Açôes em Barbados

  • Strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Social Care to better monitor and evaluate social protection programmes/ projects

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Social Care, Constituency, Empowerment and Community Development
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions)
    The Ministry of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment and Community Development (MSCD) is the central Government authority responsible for the delivery of social services and the implementation of social protection programmes, which are designed to promote social development and reduce poverty in Barbados. A number of important initiatives have been undertaken by the Government to enhance institutional and administrative mechanisms for addressing poverty reduction and monitoring results, as well as general service delivery. For these, the MSCD’s functions in data collection and analysis require substantial capacities, in particular adequate information management systems. Mobilised expert carried out an assessment of the existing structures, capacities and gaps in the administration and management of information by the MSCD and their supervised programmes. Priorities for technical assistance were so identified for the development and of a central and comprehensive social relational database within a future management information system.