Information on the SOCIEUX+ Meeting
Inclusive Social Protection Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
Over the past 15 years, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have achieved impressive economic growth. Nevertheless poverty reduction has been slow and high growth rates have not been matched by high job growth rates. Between now and 2030, 440 million young people will be entering the SSA labour market looking for jobs, while the majority of them will likely end up in the informal economy.
Evidence shows that adequate social protection promotes inclusive growth and increases productivity and employability. Yet the region is characterised by low levels of social protection and contributory social security coverage. National spending on social protection is usually below 2% of GDP. In recent years, following the adoption of the African Union Social Policy Framework (2008), several African countries have implemented social protection policies and strategies. Many of their peers are in the process of doing the same. Social protection is becoming increasingly prominent in national-long-term development strategies.
The overall aim of this meeting is to gather and share best practices and evidence on how to extend social protection systems and fair employment policies, particularly in a context of high informality. See the Meeting highlights for further information.