Partner Institution:
Agency for Sustainable and Operative Social Provision (DOST Agency) under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population (MLSPP)
The Agency for Sustainable and Operative Social Provision (DOST) aims to improve the quality of services in the areas of employment, labour, social protection, and provision of social services. Through its request of accompanying functional digital transition, it aims to increase transparency and ensure the application of innovative solutions, accelerate the transition to e-services, reduce bureaucracy, and enhance citizen satisfaction. Through this action, which involved experts from France, the Netherlands, Poland, and Romania mobilized by SOCIEUX+, DOST has acquired a clear understanding of the steps to be taken to digitize its services and as to create a single integrated digital platform accessible to all users – the ‘Virtual DOST’. The experts also provided advice on the governance and management of the information systems, and the implementation of data protection standards.