Acciones en Training of Trainers

  • Capacity building for the improvement of the Brazilian second pillar pension governance and supervision of the legal and regulatory framework

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Cearense Association of Economists Pensioners and Retirees (ACEA)
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The Associação Cearense dos Economiários Aposentados e Pensionistas (ACEA) reached out to SOCIEUX+ in order to provide capacity building, in the form of e-learning courses, to members of Brazilian organizations defending the rights of pensioners. ACEA noticed a clear need for members of such organizations to gain more extensive knowledge on governance, management, and supervision of occupational pension funds, in order to detect shortfalls in the system, apply due diligence, and prevent mismanagement and fraudulent behaviors. The e-learnings, crafted by Portuguese, Spanish, German, and French expertise covered topics such as basic knowledge of the functioning of second pillar pension funds, best practices for regulation and supervision of funds, legal and regulatory frameworks governing second pillar pension funds. This successful e-learnings were followed by hundreds of participants from various parts of Brazil.
  • Capacity building of ECASSA’s members

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    East and Central Africa Social Security Association (ECASSA)
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The East and Central Africa Social Security Association (ECASSA) brings together social security entities in the African subregion. Through its partnership with SOCIEUX+, it aimed to deploy a set of training modules intended to upgrade the skills and competences available to staffs of the constituent organizations, on a number of relevant managerial and topic-related themes. A single training on “Human Resource Management for Non-Human Resource Managers” was delivered by experts from Belgium, with the participation of the ECASSA organizers and 10 relevant resource-persons of ECASSA member institutions. A compendium of 17 presentations has been made available by the experts to all participants of the training, and to ECASSA, which has further disseminated them among the larger membership.