Visions from the field: SOCIEUX+ cooperation in Tanzania
Photo courtesy of G.L.P. Visions from the field: SOCIEUX+ cooperation in Tanzania Today, the United Republic of Tanzania is a peaceful and populous state with ambitions to become a middle-income country in the next decade. Tanzania is one of the African countries...
SOCIEUX+ supports the promotion of green jobs among young people in Togo
Photos courtesy of Kees van der Ree. Supporting young people for sustainable development and climate action:Improving skills for green jobs in Togo Supporting young people for sustainable development and climate action: Improving skills for green jobs in Togo The rise...
Girardota City Council receives CIPDH-UNESCO Award for its inclusive local policies
Photo courtesy of Girardota City Council, Colombia. Girardota City Council receives the 2019 CIPDH-UNESCO Construir Igualdad Award for its inclusive local policies The Peace and Social Inclusion Laboratory in Girardota, Colombia, has received the 2019 Construir...
Peer cooperation: Cambodian delegation visits Finland to study social security system
Photo courtesy of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA) Peer cooperation: Cambodian delegation visits Finland to study social security system A delegation from the Cambodian Ministry of Economy and Finance and the National Social Protection Council...