Açôes em Human Resources Development

  • Modernization of the management of public administration recruitment in the civil service regime of Costa Rica

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    End activities
    Partner Institution
    General Directorate of Civil Service [Dirección General De Servicio Civil] (DGSC)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    Through this first Action in partnership with the Dirección General De Servicio Civil of Panama, SOCIEUX+ helped the Partner to reform the process of selection of the personnel of public administrations. Public experts from Spain first looked into the processes of recruitment and selection of the public administration staff, for then putting forward an alternative model focusing on knowledge tests. In the framework of the Action, a test of the new model was done through a pilot project, duly assessed at the end of the cooperation with SOCIEUX+. The latter ultimately provided technical ground and proposed specific models to contribute to the selection of civil servants with a knowledge-based, soft-skilled, meritocratic approach.
  • Green Jobs Programme development (Renforcement des capacités de l’Agence Nationale Pour l’Emploi du Togo pour la promotion des Emplois verts parmi les jeunes)

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Public Employment Service [Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi] (ANPE)
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The National Agency for the Promotion of Employment (ANPE) of Togo aimed, through this action, to acknowledge possible concrete measures to accompany young people towards green jobs. At first the employability potential of the youth in green jobs has been assessed; in particular, possible skills deficits and gaps between the demand for new or adapted qualifications for green jobs and the current offer of vocational training were identified. On this basis, experts supported the partner in initiating a dialogue with the training institutions to start adapting the training offer to the potential of Togolese organic agriculture. The final activity resulted in a methodology to develop training curricula in the sector of organic agriculture. Participants came. Throughout the Action, experts from France and the Netherlands engaged with peers from the ANPE and various vocational training institutions to identify capacity needs for the green economy as well as to let emerge a network of public and private actors active in the promotion and training on green jobs.
  • Capacity building for East and Central African social security agencies

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    East and Central Africa Social Security Association
    Type of Assistance
    The action aimed to strengthen the capacity of the East and Central Africa Social Security Association (ECASSA) to design and conduct training in favor of its member organizations The three activities’ deliverables are similar and consist in the materials presented by SOCIEUX-mobilized experts/trainers throughout the three sessions and pertaining to social protection coverage, leadership and ethics, and occupational safety and health. The participating experts came from Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands
  • Management of funding proposals for income-generating activity grants

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Fund for Social Assistance [Fonds Nationale d'Aide Sociale (FNAS)]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    French experts accompanied by regional experts from Cameroon and Madagascar assessed the Income-generating Activities (AGRs) programme of the Fonds Nationale d'Aide Sociale (FNAS) of Gabon, as well as the capacity building needs of its staff. Strategic and technical support was provided to the elaboration of the FNAS’ plan of action for 2021, followed by a strategic orientation to the definition of corporate long-term objectives. The third activity focused on the formulation of a Logical Framework mirroring the three axes of the strategic orientation, namely: Governance, strategic approach and framework of actions; Financial capacity and autonomy; Development of operational modalities and FNAS procedures for AGRs. A final training clarified ways for FNAS staff to play a role in implementing the objectives and expected results of the new Logical Framework.