Açôes em Occupational Safety and Health

  • Professional risks in the public sector

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents [Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des Agents de l'Etat] (CPPF)
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents (CPPF) of Gabon shared with SOCIEUX+ its intention to expand the package of benefits available to its right-holders, namely State agents, by including insurance coverage for professional accidents and diseases State agents may run into in the deployment of the statutory functions. In that perspective, mobilized public experts from France and Luxembourg have first established an inventory of the existing system of coverage of risks linked to occupational diseases and accidents at work of Gabonese public officials, then drafted normative texts that can duly amend the scope of the system of benefits provided by CPPF, for extending coverage to occupational safety and health risks.
  • Labour Standards strengthening

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    Georgia main social Ministry has cooperated with SOCIEUX+ in view to improve labour standards, enhance safety in the labour environment, and to prevent the violation of dignified working conditions. A single activity was implemented by a team of three experts – from Poland, Hungary, and France. Main topics presented during the interventions related to the cost-benefits of applying occupational safety and health measures, what these measures should be about, how the systems of norms should be managed, and the importance of a tripartite dialogue. The action resulted in a transfer of knowledge and gave the partner’s staff the opportunity of a genuine peer-to-peer exchange on matters of its competence.
  • Development of Occupational Safety and Health in Nigeria

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Safety Advocacy and Empowerment Foundation
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    A series of training sessions and a study visit to Germany have addressed the partner’s request to promote a preventative safety and health culture in the workplace. The Safety Advocacy and Empowerment Foundation cooperates with the Lagos State Safety Commission in view to ensure the adequate occupational safety and health preventive and reactive measures are in place in the factories and firms of one of the most industrialized regions in the whole Africa. Training delivered by experts belonging to the German Association of Accident Insurance (DGUV) concerned principles of prevention, assessing risks in the workplace, the ‘Vision Zero’ concept, and the specific area of road safety.
  • Developing of a policy for occupational health and safety in the public administration

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Directorate of Public Administration - Ministry of Finances [Direcção Nacional da Administração Pública - Ministério das Finanças]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    On the demand of the National Directorate of Public Administration of the Ministry of Finance of Cabo Verde, the main objective of this action was to assess the health and safety situation in the workplace in the public administration. During a single exploratory activity, information on partnerships, internal functioning, delegation system, procedural organization of services, hazard management, system of governance and management teams, was compiled and shared with relevant stakeholders by a Portuguese expert. That information was intended to feed a systemic diagnosis of the organization and services and to formulate a way forward to their improvement.
  • Providing EU Expertise for the South Asia Labour Conference 2014

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Department of Labour, Provincial Government of Punjab
    Type of Assistance
    Regional events (awareness raising)
    Within the Framework of Pakistan’s membership in the South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC), the Provincial Government of Punjab organised a three-day Ministerial-level conference under the theme "South Asia Labour Conference" (SALC) with support of the Federal Government of Pakistan. SALC’s objective was to bring together representatives of labour and social affairs ministries from the Federal Government of Pakistan and the SAARC countries, representatives of employer and worker organisations, civil society, selected dignitaries from neighbouring countries and EU representatives in a first step towards regional collaboration to promote labour productivity and improve working conditions and rights in the region. The SALC brought together 250 representatives of the concerned ministries and other stakeholders from Pakistan and SAARC. A SOCIEUX mobilised expert participated in two technical sessions of the Conference, providing a contribution on the coordination of social security schemes for migrant workers within the EU. In particular, he illustrated topics such as like the EU migration context and common coordination principles and practices.