Açôes em Social Dialogue

  • Development of the Social and Labor Dialogue on the Future of Work for working women, the youth, persons with disabilities and the LGTBI

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion [Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
  • Training course on managing employment disputes effectively

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour [Ministerio del Trabajo]
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Ministry of Labour in Ecuador is responsible for promoting social dialogue through the Labour Mediation Directorate, by attending hearings conducted by mediators as an effective means of resolving labour disputes and preventing workers and employers from going to court. The virtual training seminar organized by SOCIEUX+ experts from France and Spain channeled to the staff of the Labour Mediation Directorate, as well as to labour inspectors, models and practices for enriching labour conflicts resolution techniques.
  • Training seminar on tools for social dialogue in the framework of COVID-19

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion [Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo]
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Peruvian National Council for Labour and Employment Promotion submitted a Request for remote technical cooperation on COVID-19, with the objective to strengthen the capacities of the social actors and officials responsible for promoting the regional and national social dialogue, handling new methodological and technical tools. The Spanish peer experts’ support focused on social dialogue as a mean and a process to address work-related problems generated by COVID-19, mitigating the possible consequences of failing businesses, job losses and possible limitations of labour rights.
  • Social security for internal migrants and the informal sector [Sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants et formalisation des travailleurs du secteur informel]

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    SOCIEUX+ organized and delivered a training involving staff of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Cameroon regarding the transition to formal work and the social rights to which informal workers should be entitled. Experts from France have displayed international principles and norms and presented indicators that can accompany a policy of formalization.
  • Implementation of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) peer-review recommendation on human capital development

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion [Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
    This action is part of a series of actions in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion (MTPE) of Peru, in the area of labour and employment. In this circumstance, the action focused on ways to enhance competences and employability skills of the national workforce through vocational education and training (VET). French experts first carried out a functional and organizational analysis of the three sectorial committees created to establish occupational profiles in order to reinforce labour matching process. A training workshop then looked into mechanisms for promoting the participation of the productive sector in the definition of training and education policies. Overall, the action contributed to sensitize relevant partner’s teams to the challenges ahead in the implementation of a national qualifications’ framework and the need to reinforce basic and transversal competences through VET.
  • Support to the strengthening of social dialogue and to the extension of social protection in Togo

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry for Public Function, Labour and Administrative Reform [Ministère de la Function Publique du Travail et de la Réforme Administrative]
    Type of Assistance
    National events (awareness raising)
    The Ministry of Public Function, Labour, Administrative Reform and Social Protection of Togo requested SOCIEUX+ support to reshuffle the institutional framework for social dialogue, notably the role of the Conseil National pour le Dialogue social. Deepening the social dialogue is seen as part of an economic development strategy based on greater social cohesion and a fair allocation of the dividends of growth. Experts from Belgium and France have analyzed the current situation and provided methodological recommendations with a view to organising a round table aimed to renew and restart the institutional framework for social dialogue; to this purpose, experts have prepared an orientation note, a proposal of agenda, and supporting documentation.
  • Support the implementation of OECD’s recommendations on human capital development

    Start activities
    End activities
    In process
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labor and Promotion of Employment of Peru (Ministerio de Trabajo y de Promoción del Empleo (MTPE)), Dirección de Normalización y Certificación de Competencias Laborales.
    Type of Assistance
  • Seminar on informal economy and labour

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security [Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social de la Nacíon]
    Type of Assistance
    National events (awareness raising)
    The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MTEySS) of Argentina has requested SOCIEUX+ support for strengthening the dialogue with social partners on how to address socio-economic and labour-related vulnerability. Experts from France, Spain and Peru deployed training seminars on the occasion of the inauguration of the Latin American Training Centre for Unionized Workers and Employers Organizations. Participants belonged to social partners (unions and employers’ organizations), and decision-makers of the MTEySS. The training concerned three main topics: Methodologies and data collection system on informal sector workers for strategic decision-making; Social dialogue approaches responding to vulnerability; Transition towards formality.