• Social Health Protection Reform and Policy

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Health and Child Care
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
    The Ministry of Health and Childcare of Zimbabwe was committed, through this action, to engage the Cabinet of the President in the process of creating an inter-ministerial committee for national health insurance in collaboration with the other main institutional stakeholders. Experts from France, Germany, and Italy developed together with the partners a roadmap consisting of 9 different steps, including institutional tasks (set-up of an inter-ministerial steering committee, establishment of a statutory body in charge of pooling funds and enrolment of population), and technical ones (costing estimates, enrolment and contribution procedures, legal framework for the implementation of NHI).
  • Support to the “International Forum on Health Coverage in the Conférence Interafricaine de la Prévoyance Sociale Area (CIPRES)”

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Inter-African Conference on Social Welfare [Conférence Interafricaine de la Prévoyance Sociale]
    Type of Assistance
     International events (awareness raising)
    Experts from France and Luxembourg provided two written (paper) and visual (PowerPoint) presentations as background documents for the International Forum on Health Coverage in the CIPRES area, expected to take place in Brazzaville on 4-6 October 2017.
  • Development of a national social health insurance system

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Health and Wellness
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
    The technical assistance was instrumental in letting emerge policy options for the financing of the health system in Saint Lucia in view of the introduction of a national health insurance (NHI). Experts from France, Germany and Italy accompanied emerging policy options on a concrete context analysis. A second outcome was an individual capacity development of key staff of the Ministry of Health and Wellness on policy design in relation to public health policies. The theoretical learning was linked to the current project of introduction of NHI, with experts helping to outline the distinct phases and steps that shall be accomplished for introducing NHI in Saint Lucia.
  • Health financing reform and introduction of mandatory health insurance

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance under the Cabinet of Ministers [Nazirlər Kabineti yanında İcbari Tibbi Sığorta üzrə Dövlət Agentliyinin]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
    Support the government of Azerbaijan and in particular to the State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance (SAMHI) in creating the necessary conditions for the introduction of mandatory health insurance
  • Building capactiy of the UTM to enable the management of universal health insurance coverage

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Technical Unition of Mutual Health Insurance [Union Technique de la Mutualité] (UTM)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    The Technical Union of Malian Mutual Insurers (UTM) is one of three functioning bodies responsible for health insurance coverage. The UTM functions as an umbrella organisation for about 30 (of 164) voluntary mutual health insurance schemes. The UTM supports the creation, development and technical supervision of schemes and the management of a common health insurance platform for all its members. The National Strategy to Extend the Coverage of Mutual Health Insurers was adopted in 2011 to improve the accessibility to healthcare of populations in the rural and informal sectors. It is backed by a 10-year Health and Social Development Plan for 2014-2023, which aims at increasing insurance coverage to 20% of the target population and, in the long-term, universal health coverage. In this context, UTM began to redefine its strategies to improve its capacity and political position in the perspective of shouldering responsibility in achieving universal health coverage. At an operational level, it produced an internal organisation reform plan for 2014-2016. Organisation and individual capacity building was essential to enable the implementation of this plan. Experts mobilised by SOCIEUX worked with the UTM staff on outlining scenarios for strategic options and organisational structure. To do this, they started by assessing the existing institutional strategy and corporate capacities. An outline of the needed structures and competences followed. A first draft of a guideline to develop the UTM’s Strategic Development Plan resulted from this work, which set preliminary core objectives, mission, vision and main working axes for the UTM.