• Development of the consolidated risk mapping

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Action targeted organizational and individual capacities in the area of internal risks management. Peers from Germany and France first analyzed the mechanisms and procedures for analyzing and managing insurance-related risks pertaining to various schemes run by the CPPF. They further deployed training sessions to the benefit of CPPF’s relevant staff on insurance-related risk mapping and management.
  • Capacity building on social protection for persons with disability

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Social Protection Council
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The National Social Protection Council (NSPC) of Cambodia has the mandate to develop, supervise and regulate the social protection system and to ensure harmonization of the different strategies, policies and other social protection activities, including for the people with disabilities. To the three activities, deployed at distance, contributed experts from France, Portugal, Spain, Greece and Finland, who first presented international and EU best practices and cases with regards to social protection coverage of people with disabilities. A mapping of the existing policies, measures, initiatives, both from national institutions and development partners was then co-developed, with a view to identifying possible coverage gaps or inconsistencies. The final activity coached NSPC’s staff on building a methodology for developing an action plan for disability-inclusive social protection.
  • Enhancing rehabilitation capacities of Workers Compensation Fund

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Workers Compensation Fund (WCF)
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The Workers Compensation Fund (WCF) of Tanzania leads the Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) insurance branch. It requested SOCIEUX+ to enhance its internal capacities to deal with rehabilitation of workers affected by work-related injuries and/or sickness. In the course of four training activities experts mobilized by the German Association of Accident Insurance (DGUV) provided to WCF staff an introduction on rehabilitation management, tackled procedures case managers have to deploy, and strengthened WCF and its partners’ knowledge in the field of labour medicine. The four training activities involved WCF technical and administrative staff as well as staff from collaborative medical facilities and touched up several OSH-related areas such as legislative framework, case management, medical notions, communication to right-holders. The activities progressively identified gaps and proposed recommendations for further action.
  • Development of a Strategic Plan for the ECASSA Institute of Social Protection (EISP)

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    East and Central Africa Social Security Association (ECASSA) Institute of Social Protection (EISP)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    Through the collaboration among peers and the presentation of European and international cases and good practices related to the set-up and development of an international research and training institution, experts from Italy and Slovenia developed and transferred a working methodology aimed at building a multi-year strategic plan. As a result of the action, the newborn Institute of Social Protection of the East and Central Africa Social Security Association (ECASSA), whose role is to develop knowledge and offer capacity-building opportunities for the staff of the social security organizations adhering to ECASSA, is endowed with a strategic plan based on extensive consultations and taking into account key areas of organizational development.
  • Organisational capacity building on Management Information Systems

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    East and Central Africa Social Security Association (ECASSA) Institute of Social Protection (EISP)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The East and Central Africa Social Security Association (ECASSA) brings together social security entities in the African subregion. The Association runs an Institute for Social Protection (EISP) to offer vocational training for professionals of the organizations in charge of social protection in ECASSA member countries. The experts from French institutions provided both academic and IT expertise to outline the main requirements and specifications for a new information management system on the Institute and developed a set of guidelines of for the implementation of IT solutions for the management of the IESP.
  • Regulations of the Law of the Institute of Security and Social Services of Workers of the State of Campeche

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Institute of Security and Social Services of Workers
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    Based on the outcomes of previous Action 2016-15, which resulted in the preparation of a text of Law for updating the social security Law of the Mexican State of Campeche, the present action co-constructed the administrative regulations necessary for the Law's implementation. This process was steered by a team of experts coming from Spain throughout three activities, which also included a capacity-building of ISSSTECAM staff on regulatory methods.