SOCIEUX+ meeting in Côte d’Ivoire
We are pleased to announce that our next SOCIEUX+ meeting will take place in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, and will be co-organised by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The meeting is entitled “Employment and social protection in West and Central Africa”. SOCIEUX+ currently works in a dozen countries in the West and Central Africa region, either as direct partners or in cooperation with other international actors. This meeting aims to discuss the main employment and social protection challenges in the region, and work on realistic solutions.
SOCIEUX+ supports the promotion of green jobs among young people in Togo
Views from the field: SOCIEUX+ cooperation in Palestine
Latest Activities
Increasing visibility for youth employment services in Guinea
Cooperative work with the Guinean Agency for Employment Promotion (AGUIPE) on a communication plan to increase the visibility of services for young jobseekers, recruiters and partners with the expertise of Actiris, the Brussels Employment Office (SOCIEUX+ 2017-35).
Cambodian delegation visits Finland to study social security system
A delegation from the Cambodian Ministry of Economy and Finance and the National Social Protection Council (NSPC) has visited Finland to learn about the Finnish their social security system and interact with institutional counterparts (SOCIEUX+ 2019-26).

Promoting decent employment for informal workers in Thailand
SOCIEUX+ recently We have just started to working with the Thai Department of Labour Protection and Welfare from Thailand, with the key support of ILO, in on a set of activities to promote decent employment for informal workers., with the key support of ILO (SOCIEUX+ 2019-21).
SOCIEUX+ and CISS sign memorandum of understanding
The Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS) and SOCIEUX+ have signed a memorandum of understanding to promote international cooperation activities for social protection, with an emphasis on social security actions. (Socieux+ news).
Call for Experts
SOCIEUX+ is continuously looking for experts in the fields of social protection, labour, and employment policies. Check out all the upcoming opportunities here and join us!
If you want to know more about working with SOCIEUX+ download our Guide for Experts in English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese.
SOCIEUX+ EU Expertise on Social Protection, Labour and Employment
c/o SPF Sécurité sociale FPS Social Security
Centre Administratif du Botanique – Finance Tower (FINTO)
Kruidtuinlaan 50 / Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50 boîte 135 • 1000 Bruxelles
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of SOCIEUX+ implementing partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.