Actions en Mother and Child Healthcare (MCH)

  • National Forum on Maternal and Child Health: Lessons learned from PIMI II (Programa Integrado de Redução da Morte Materna e Infantil) and perspectives

    Start activities
    End activities
    The request concerned a single activity for SOCIEUX+ to participate in a national conference on child and maternal health, organized by the Ministry of Public Health in collaboration with the EU-funded PIMI II’s programme. Due to the COVID-related travel restrictions, SOCIEUX+ experts from Portugal remotely participated to the national conference showcasing EU experiences relating to social protection financing and access to health, especially in the field of child and maternal health.
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Public Health [Ministério de Saúde Pública] (MINSAP)
    Type of Assistance
    Awareness raising (roundtables, seminars, workshops, etc)