• Organisational review of Public Employment Services for the improvement services for youth integration in labour market

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Guinean Agency for Employment Promotion [Agence Guinéenne pour la promotion de l'emploi]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    The action served the purpose of increasing the efficiency and visibility of the Guinea’s Agency for Employment Promotion (AGUIPE) in order to enable it to address the high rate of youth unemployment, especially among the graduated youth and those who benefitted from vocational education and training (VET). Two initial activities allowed French experts to carry out a systemic and organizational diagnosis of AGUIPE and to formulate recommendations in order to strengthen, develop and diversify AGUIPE's services. Finally, experts from Belgium and France have assessed the digital tools available to AGUIPE to promote its role and the services provided, particularly the website and the use of digital media as vehicle of communication towards large constituencies.
  • Job Impact Assessment of Public Investments

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR), Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PPME)
    Type of Assistance
    Information management systems
    The Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of Ghana requested SOCIEUX+ assistance for improving its internal capacity and analytical tools devoted to analyse labour market dynamics as a way to bring forward informed employment strategies. Training provided by public experts from the United Kingdom and Portugal to Ghanaian officials targeted the development of the labour market information system (LMIS), while methods of evaluation of active labour market policies were presented. Experts also formulated specific recommendations on how to systematically improve the operation of public employment services’ (PES) centers, which play a capital role in promoting employment opportunities and creating the conditions to match labour demand and supply.