• Improving the quality of services at day care centers for persons with disabilities

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    PI Institute for social activities
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building Organisational management (structures & functions)
    Following the last analysis carried out by the Institute of Social Activities in June 2022, the technical assistance provided by SOCIEUX+ through mobilized EU public experts addressed the qualitative dimension in the provision of services by the day-care centres to persons with disabilities. The Action unfolded in three activities, for which experts from Portugal and Romania have been mobilized. The first peer-to-peer on-site activity focused on analyzing the current state of play of day care centres for persons with disabilities, while the second one supported the modernization of standards and procedures for social service delivery in the day-care centres for persons with disabilities by developing an improved manual. The third and last activity concluded the technical cooperation with the elaboration of a general framework for monitoring and evaluating the quality and pertinence of the social services provided in the day-care centres for persons with disabilities.
  • Improving the linkage between cash benefits and social services and the specific needs of persons with disabilities (PwDs)

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy sought to enhance the system that links cash benefits and social services to the individual needs of persons with disabilities (PwD). The initiative focused on crafting a personalized approach to entitlements, ensuring that the benefits and services, including income replacements and long-term care benefits, are appropriately aligned with the needs of PwDs. Experts from Austria, Germany, Romania, and Slovenia provided relevant EU countries’ examples of tools and scales for individual needs assessment and linkage, while developing recommendations for the reinforcement of the legal framework existing in North Macedonia.
  • Assessment of School Feeding Programme for pre-primary and primary school in Zanzibar

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    President’s Office, Regional Administration, Local Government and Special Departments (PORALGSD)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Action served the purpose of assessing the state of the art and actual institutional arrangements involved in the implementation of the Zanzibar School Feeding Programme (SFP), providing fresh meals to all Zanzibar’s pre-primary public schools. A situation analysis was carried out by experts from Bulgaria and Italy who focused on three key aspects: the optimal capitation grants to adequately cover the SFP’s operational costs; the current school feeding supply chain, as well as the administrative and organizational arrangements in place; and the identification of operational bottlenecks to the efficient running of the SFP. The report shall be of use for the institution – namely the Ministry of Education of the Government of Zanzibar - that will be in charge of running the SFP.