• Capacity building of staff of Ogun State Bureau of Job Creation on PES delivery

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ogun State Bureau of Job Creation and Youth Empowerment
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    Through collaboration with the Ogun Bureau of Job Creation in Nigeria, this initiative, executed remotely, significantly enhanced the capabilities of the Bureau staff in delivering Public Employment Services (PES). By conducting an organizational capacity assessment, French PES experts identified areas where job counselors required additional training. Subsequently, Spanish and Slovenian experts developed tailored training modules utilizing the SOCIEUX+ e-learning platform. These modules concentrated on essential aspects such as managing a PES service, fostering employer relationships and partnerships, and effectively communicating the services provided by the bureau to the public.
  • Review of the existing policy and regulatory frameworks in view of the introduction of an Unemployment Benefits scheme in Kenya

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Social Security Fund
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    Together with ILO, the National Social Security Fund of Kenya has been working in a set of policy and regulatory documents pertaining to the introduction of a unemployed benefits scheme. The resulting roadmap, actuarial study, legal gap analysis, legal drafting instructions, and draft bill and regulations constituted the framework of the peer-to-peer cooperation facilitated by SOCIEUX+. Policy discussions have mainly revolved around whether to adopt an unemployment insurance (UI) scheme or unemployment individual savings accounts (UISAs). At the end of the Action, experts from France, the Netherlands, and Sweden had helped the partner to review the existing policy and normative frameworks, setting the stage for the introduction of an unemployment benefits (UB) scheme, including its main components/design (benefit duration, benefit rate, contingency and persons covered, qualifying period, eligible reasons for job termination, waiting period, reference and insurable earnings, financing approach,…).
  • Reform of the WC system in Kenya based on social insurance models

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Directorate of Occupational safety and Health Services
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    The Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services at the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Kenya was committed in 2023 to transforming the current employer liability provisions with a system of workers’ compensation based on social insurance. The mobilization of public expertise from Spain, Estonia, Germany, Slovenia, and Czech Republic in the framework of SOCIEUX+ played a significant role in advancing the adoption of a reform proposal for the current Workers' Compensation (WC) framework in Kenya. The results of the collaborative efforts included a comparative analysis of WC systems based on social insurance and a presentation of international good practices, an assessment of the current legal framework, a policy paper setting the stage for a reform proposal, including the insurance scheme’s main components and the strategic and operational steps to be undertaken, and the drafting of specific parts of the new regulatory framework. The activities emphasized the link between prevention, compensation, and rehabilitation, and cultivated support from social partners for the proposed legislative reforms.
  • Establishment of Thika model Job Centres to act as a one-stop-shop for all employment services for youth

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Employment Authority
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions), Institutional capacity building
    To better implement the national policies on youth employment, the National Employment Authority (NEA) solicited SOCIEUX+ cooperation to support them to create a pilot one-stop-shop in employment services for youth in Thika, that could be replicated nation-wide in case of success. This SOCIEUX+ action focused on developing a strategy to set up this pilot one-stop-shop by first realizing a diagnostic of the National Employment Authority (NEA) for the establishment of Thika’s one-stop-shop, focused on youth, then by jointly developing an operational strategic plan for the creation of the pilot one-stop-shop in Thika. The 3rd activity focused on developing a toolkit on youth counselling activities for job counsellors in Thika. The action mobilized Belgian and Swedish expertise.
  • Development of proposals for normative regulation of the activities of non-standard employment (digital platform) workers

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    JSC "Center for the Development of Human Resources"
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    The Workforce Development Center is a think tank related to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Kazakhstan. Its role is to provide analytical expertise and information support to the government on labour market related issues. With gig-economy becoming a wider phenomenon in Kazakhstan, the Center was engaged in the preparation of regulatory framework related to digital platform workers. With expertise from Hungary, Lithuania and Portugal mobilized for this cooperation, the action contributed to better understanding of the problematics by the Center’s staff by sharing knowledge of approaches already used in EU countries and supranational European recommendations. This was followed by an assessment of the existing legal framework in Kazakhstan and proposals and guidelines for a reform.
  • Review of the legal framework and strategy supporting veterans? entrepreneurial activities

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    The Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building, Policy development
    The Directorate of Civic Identity and Veteran Development is an independent structural unit of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. The Ministry indicated the need to review the existing legal framework regarding entrepreneurship support to ex-combatants, as well as the Ministry’s strategy supporting veterans’ entrepreneurial activities. The object of this action was geared towards reintegration, rather than reinsertion. Reintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. During the first activity, experts from France produced a review of the legal framework and strategy related to the reintegration of veterans through entrepreneurship. The second activity showcased good practices of programmes supporting veterans entrepreneurship in Croatia. Both activities were carried out remotely.