Actions en Labour Force Survey

  • Capacity building of the Scientific Research and Training Centre on Labour and Social Problems

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Scientific Research and Training Centre on Labour and Social Problems [Əmək və Sosial Problemlər üzrə Elmi-Tədqiqat və Tədris Mərkəzi]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    Experts from Finland, Lithuania, Romania and the United Kingdom first assessed the competences and analytical tools available to the Scientific Research and Training Center on Labour and Social Problems of Azerbaijan to conduct research and policy advise on social security matters, particularly that of access and inclusion of persons with disabilities. A training of researchers presented indicators for measuring accessibility and inclusion and how state policies respond to the specific needs of persons with disability.
  • Data architecture and management

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    General Sub-Directorate for Overcoming Poverty - Social Prosperity agency [Subdirección General para la Superación de la Pobreza - Prosperidad Social]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
    Prosperidad Social of Colombia requested SOCIEUX+ assistance in view of improving the architecture and data management system of the Sub-Directorate-General for the Elimination of Poverty. Experts from France and Spain carried out an initial mapping of the data structure associated with the UNIDOS program, and the data exchange flows between this entity and the rest of functional units. They further prepared a preliminary data model, identifying and characterizing the data relevant to the Sub-Directorate-General based on its use and its origin. Recommendations for System requirements management and Project approval were developed.