• Webinar on Labour Market Information Systems for the New Decade

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Rwanda Workers' Trade Union Confederation (CESTRAR)
    Type of Assistance
    International events (awareness raising)
    The single activity was centered on the preparation and delivery of a webinar for staff of Rwanda Workers' Trade Union Confederation to enhance knowledge about Labour market information systems by sharing experiences of PES at different levels of economic development. The activity took place in the framework of the international training programme “Productive Employment and Decent Work for Sustainable Development”, carried out by Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish Public Employment Service.
  • Training of Trainers for employment counsellors on the development of soft skills for job seekers  [Formation des Formateurs, pour former les Conseillers emploi ...]

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Agency for the Promotion of Employment [Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi] (ANPE)
    Type of Assistance
    Human resources management
    Experts from Belgium and France conducted a remote assessment of the capacities, gaps and needs of the ANPE Togo, with particular reference to support services available to young entrepreneurs and jobseekers for reinforce their employability through the development of soft skills. Based on the assessment, experts delivered a training of trainers to selected ANPE’s staff.
  • Strengthening the capacity of the Employment Administration and its public services [Renforcement des capacités de l’administration de l’Emploi et de son service public]

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Employment, Youth and Sports [Ministère de l’Emploi, de la Jeunesse et des Sports]
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions)
    The Directorate General for Employment of the Ministry of Employment, Youth and Sports of Mauritania requested SOCIEUX+ to formulate an organization audit and address the most needed gaps in terms of individual capacities. Following the assessment, a cycle of trainings has primarily targeted management strategies and human resources development. Among the topics covered by the training sessions were managers’ compliance with the organizational strategy, change management and female leadership.
  • Support for the definition of the strategic plan of the Niger employment agency, and adaptation of the services provided to companies and job seekers

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Agency for the Promotion of Employment
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The National Agency for the Promotion of Employment requested SOCIEUX+ assistance in enhancing the quality of its services to job seekers. French and Spanish experts worked on providing the ANPE with concrete actions to take place to streamline and improve its services among the different agencies, with the resources available. A handful of job counselors also benefited from a training of trainers to have a multiplying effect with newcomers.
  • Design of training structure and formalization of a training course for young business creators in Mauritania

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Patronal Federation of Services and Self Employment
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Action responded to the partner’s need to have available strategies and practices apt to enhance entrepreneurship’s skills through training to young entrepreneurs. Experts from Belgium and France assessed the existing entrepreneurship support ecosystem and defined of a roadmap for setting up comprehensive training services for young entrepreneurs and training of trainers/coaches. The further activities were dedicated to jointly build training modules of the curriculum in entrepreneurship, and to deploy a 5-days training of trainers on entrepreneurship for the partner’s agents.
  • Capacity building of employment advisors and job developers on soft skills

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Natinal Employment Fund [Fond National de l'Emploi] (FNE)
    Type of Assistance
    Capacity building
    This action in collaboration with the National Employment Fund of Cameroon, aimed at improving services provided to job seekers, more specifically by assessing capacities of job counsellors on the topic of soft skills. Experts from France and Belgium focused on empowering job counselors in the appropriation of techniques and key skills of job counseling, with an emphasis on young job seekers. A large number of job counselors took part in the construction of training of trainers, involving staff from Yaoundé and Douala.