• International Guest Expert lectures at Mahidol University: Health Financing and Social Health Protection in Europe

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD)
    Type of Assistance
    Regional events (awareness raising)
    As an integral part of the Master in Primary Health Care Management and Social Health Protection, Mahidol University and the ILO deployed a series of three specialized virtual seminars on subjects related to health financing from the region and Europe. To that purpose, the Mahidol University requested SOCIEUX+ support to mobilize two European public experts for the preparation and delivery of a remote guest lecture to the students of the Master programme. The lecture, delivered from experts from Germany and France, referred to the design, implementation, and financing of health care systems, including challenges and reforms adopted, in their home countries.
  • Characterisation of the social protection’s supply and demand of the population of informal street vendors in two pilot cities in Colombia (Barranquilla and Cali)

    Start activities
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    Partner Institution
    Ministry of the Interior [Ministerio del Interior]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    The Ministry of Interior of Colombia wished to look into the issue of informal street vendors with the support of SOCIEUX+. The Action contributed to the territorial implementation of the Public Policy for Informal Vendors in 2 pilot cities (Barranquilla & Cali). Spanish experts participated to the development of at least two major practical instruments, namely a socio-economic analysis of informal street vendors, and a toolkit apt to guide the analysis of the demand of and needs in social protection of informal street vendors, and mapped available social protection options that may be used to cover informal workers from basic risks, such as health coverage, family support, and professional sickness and accidents.
  • Strengthening the services of the Ecuadorian Public Employment Service (Encuentra Empleo) for employers

    Start activities
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    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour [Ministerio del Trabajo]
    Type of Assistance
    Organisation/business strategy & planning
    The Ministry of Labour requested SOCIEUX+ support to strengthen the capacity of the Ecuadorian Public Employment Service (PES - Encuentra Empleo) to offer quality advice and services to employers and to stimulate more companies to use the PES. The support provided by SOCIEUX-mobilized experts from public employment services of France, Spain, and Sweden has therefore focused, from one side, on a critical analysis functional to the improvement of services available to employers and, on the other side, on the development of a communication strategy to outreach employers. On-line workshops were delivered to present good practices of EU PES and their approaches to and means of communication with employers, as a basis to co-draft a strategy and a communication plan that help Encuentra Empleo to strengthen its the relationship with employers. Finally, experts addressed individual capacity needs on the same topic, by outlining a training plan and delivering short training modules to agents in charge of relations with employers.
  • To prevent child labour in all its forms, through attention, generation of public policies and restitution of children rights

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour [Ministerio del Trabajo]
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The Action aimed to contribute to eliminate child labour by strengthening the inspection process run by the Ministry of Labour. In this perspective, experts from France and Spain analyzed the actual practices of the Ministry’s Labour Inspectorate and provided recommendations to reinforce interventions targeting the eradication of child labour. The logic of intervention encompassed awareness considerations, thus information sharing and training sessions aimed to sensitize labour inspectors, by presenting and clarifying existing applicable legal regulations, and showcasing European practices for the protection of the rights of children and adolescents.
  • Training course on managing employment disputes effectively

    Start activities
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    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour [Ministerio del Trabajo]
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Ministry of Labour in Ecuador is responsible for promoting social dialogue through the Labour Mediation Directorate, by attending hearings conducted by mediators as an effective means of resolving labour disputes and preventing workers and employers from going to court. The virtual training seminar organized by SOCIEUX+ experts from France and Spain channeled to the staff of the Labour Mediation Directorate, as well as to labour inspectors, models and practices for enriching labour conflicts resolution techniques.
  • Overall Assessment of the Disability Sector in the State of Mauritius

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    This action was implemented in parallel to the action 2020-35, with the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity, in view of complimenting the efforts to create the action plan for Persons living with Disabilities. Experts from Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, France and Finland worked towards a goal of having a comprehensive picture of the current actors, governance mechanisms, services, legislation, and policies for persons with disabilities in Mauritius.