• Strengthening inter-institutional coordination for the implementation of a National System of Employment Guidance Services

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Social Security [Ministerio del Trabajo y la Seguridad Social]
    Type of Assistance
    Organisation/business strategy & planning
    Action 2023-11 was implemented from May to November 2023. The first activity consisted in conducting an assessment of the national ecosystem of career guidance services (definition, actors, services, governance, management, etc.) in order to identify challenges and set priorities. Subsequently, the second activity focused on the organisation of an inter-institutional working seminar with the objective of gathering the different experiences at national and international level and generating working groups on career guidance services. Finally, the third activity ,initially planned to support the drafting of a proposal for an inter-institutional Agreement on the National System of Employment Guidance Services, was extended to include labour intermediation services in the same framework collaboration agreement, with the aim of extending its scope towards the creation of a "National Network of Employment Services".