• Support to the extension of social protection in Cambodia

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Economy and Finances
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions)
    An initial fact-finding mission aimed at narrowing down the areas of support drawn from the request submitted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cambodia (MEF). Following activities resulted in a general mapping and assessment of the country’s social protection framework, which allowed to identify gaps and areas of improvement in coverage. Finally, a training on pension systems for MEF officials allowed EU experts to present different pension systems and how they are governed and regulated by line ministries. The actions, which mainly consisted in knowledge transfer and resulted in enhanced regulatory capacities for relevant personnel, saw the involvement of EU public experts from France, Germany, and Lithuania.
  • Follow up support to the reform of the pension system in Mexico

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Institute of Social Security of the State of Guanajuato (ISSEG)
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    In response to a request of from the Institute of Social Security of the State of Guanajuato (ISSEG), this action started the process of constitution of a national platform of social security State Institutes, with the objective of setting up a framework for cooperation and information-sharing among State Institutes. Spanish experts supported ISSEG in finalizing a declaration for the creation of a National Pension forum, to be delivered to the 16th edition of the National Social Security Conference. Experts also advised ISSEG and other State Institutes on the specific stages required for establishing a National coordination body, including the elaboration of the constituent documents and the legal framework of a national platform (which will become the Organización Nacional de los Institutos Estatales de Seguridad Social - ONIESS).
  • Capacity Building (Training) of Social Assistance Staff of implementation of the RISE Families Programme

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Social Development - Department of Social Services, Nevis Island Administration (NIA)
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    Following an initial capacity assessment of the Department of Social Services of the Ministry of Social Development of Nevis, a proposal describing the training needs, the target group, the duration, the proposed training activities, was prepared by experts from Croatia and the United Kingdom. The following training involved case workers of the Restore, Inspire, Secure and Empower social-support Program (RISE) and included: engagement with people in need of assistance; people’s risk assessment; attitudes and professionalism of social workers; confidentiality; managing people’s anger; managing information and data; engagement with other public agencies; understanding family dynamics; assessing cases of child sexual abuse. Finally, experts summed up all materials, methods and information delivered throughout the training and compiled a practical manual that is now available to train the newly hired RISE Program case managers.
  • Human resources development planning for the Vietnam Social Security organisation

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Vietnam Social Security [Bảo hiểm xã hội Việt Nam]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    The action started with a situational analysis and quick assessment of the human resources development strategy and practice within the partner institution, Vietnam Social Security (VSS). Based on the findings, experts from France, Germany and the Netherlands proposed an organizational approach, based on peer groups, to change the management of VSS on matters relating with human resources and internal skills development, research, and analysis.
  • Capacity building of the Social Prosperity Department

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Social Prosperity agency [Prosperidad Social - formerly Agencia Nacional para la Superación de la Pobreza Extrema]
    Type of Assistance
    The Administrative Department for Social Prosperity [Prosperidad Social] integrated towards end of 2015, the National Agency for Overcoming Extreme Poverty (ANSPE) which coordinates the implementation of the National Strategy for Overcoming Extreme Poverty (UNIDOS) created in 2008. UNIDOS currently brings together a large number of entities involved in the provision of basic social services for the extremely poor. The Strategy is complemented by the departmental and municipal governments, including over 1000 municipalities, more than 50 strategic partners from the private sector, and stakeholders in social innovation and from international cooperation. Social Prosperity has engaged a process of re-designing the UNIDOS to strengthen its conceptual and operational aspects such as the design of the surveys, aspects of monitoring, the assistance given to families as well as the information system. The aim was to make Social Prosperity more efficient through better technical and technological tools and instruments, and human and physical capital. SOCIEUX+ mobilised experts conducted with the peers an assessment of the technical capacities of ANSPE to identify gaps and training needs. The scope of the technical assistance extended to red-design of beneficiaries identification mechanisms, information management systems and instruments for monitoring and evaluation. The latter having focused on analysis and further development of business and of information-data under the General Sub-Directorate for Overcoming Poverty, which is part of Social Solidarity. SOCIEUX+ supported also individual capacity building workshops which resulted in the development of a step-by-step guide to impact evaluation planning for the three key programmes led by Social Prosperity’s programmes (UNIDOS, Jóvenes en Acción, and Red de Seguridad Alimentaria). Additionally, technical advice was provided on determining pertinent criteria for the exit and entry of beneficiary families to the “More Families in Action” cash transfer programme.