Actions en Serbie

  • Capacity building for improved reporting on Social Protection

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Republic Institute for Social Protection
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building, Information management systems
    The Republic Institute for Social Protection was established in 2005. According to the law, the Institute conducts annual surveys by collecting data from various stakeholders, such as the Centres for social work, Residential care institutions, Centres for foster care, and Licensed providers of local social services. This ongoing process provides a basis for understanding the social protection landscape in Serbia. Furthermore, the Institute is a source of data for the reporting on the implementation of Conventions; reporting on the implementation of activities from sectoral strategies and Action Plans; reporting on the implementation of activities from different chapters 19, 23 and 24 in the EU accession process. In this framework, the Institute's research department struggles with a growing influx of data and requests of analysis from diverse stakeholders. Through three activities, which saw the participation of experts from Croatia, France and Portugal, the Partner was first accompanied in the definition of a list of indicators for monitoring the social protection system, and then in updating the methodological guidelines applicable to monitoring social policies and their impacts. A particular attention was given to integrate gender, human rights and vulnerability considerations in the analysis.

    Occupational health and safety for working at high and low temperatures

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development, Individual capacity building (human resources development)
  • Advice for equal employment opportunities of people with disabilities

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Employment Service
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development Organisation/business strategy & planning
    The action in collaboration with the National Employment Service aimed in improving service for unemployed persons with disabilities, aligning with Serbia's overarching strategic frameworks. Experts from Spain, Romania and France assessed capacities of NES to implement new concept of work with Persons with disabilities. The missions undertaken in Belgrade aimed at conducting a diagnosis of the NES practices concerning the support to employment of PwD. As well, a handful of job counsellors also benefited from a training of trainers to have a multiplying effect among the other employees.