Acciones en Kazajistán

  • Online training for ERI experts in the field of targeted social assistance

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    Partner Institution
    JSC Economic Research Institute
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building, Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The webinar “Social Assistance Measures: Experience of the European Union” was co-organized by SOCIEUX+ and the Economic Research Institute (ERI) of Kazakhstan on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. ERI, a think tank under the Ministry of Economy, had a mission to propose to the government social assistance measures based in international good practices to support the implementation of the new Kazakhstan Social code. The experts from France and Slovakia presented the ways that minimum income guarantee schemes and child guarantee initiatives are designed and implemented in different EU Member States. Around 40 participants – ERI experts as well as other partners from Kazakhstan and Central Asia – joined the webinar.
  • Exchange of experience in providing special social services to persons with disabilities on regional level

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    Partner Institution
    Department of employment and social protection of the city of Nur-Sultan
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development), Institutional capacity building
    Department of Employment and Social Protection of the city of Astana is the main entity at the regional level to organize the provision of social services to vulnerable population, including persons with disabilities (PwDs). In its structure, the Department has several residential and daycare institutions which provide social services. In this action, the experts from Romania conducted the assessment and contributed to the improvement of special social services delivered to PwDs, including the services that support personal autonomy and independence of beneficiaries. Peer-to-peer cooperation resulted in both the reinforcement of the skills of the staff working directly with beneficiaries and in the reinforcement of the collective capacities of the care institutions concerned.

    Development of proposals for normative regulation of the activities of non-standard employment (digital platform) workers

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    End activities
    Partner Institution
    JSC "Center for the Development of Human Resources"
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    The Workforce Development Center is a think tank related to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Kazakhstan. Its role is to provide analytical expertise and information support to the government on labour market related issues. With gig-economy becoming a wider phenomenon in Kazakhstan, the Center was engaged in the preparation of regulatory framework related to digital platform workers. With expertise from Hungary, Lithuania and Portugal mobilized for this cooperation, the action contributed to better understanding of the problematics by the Center’s staff by sharing knowledge of approaches already used in EU countries and supranational European recommendations. This was followed by an assessment of the existing legal framework in Kazakhstan and proposals and guidelines for a reform.
  • Improving the system of monitoring and evaluation of social projects within the framework of grant funding for NGOs

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    Partner Institution
    Non-profit joint-stock company "Center for Support of Civil Initiatives"
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    Civil Initiatives Support Center (CISC) created in 2016 is the operator for all public and some private grants delivered to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Kazakhstan. Its mission is to maintain relations of confidence and transparency between the state and CSOs and to support the development of civil society in Kazakhstan in terms of funding as well as capacity building. Through the expertise from Romania and Portugal, this action supported CISC to make more efficient, transparent and homogenous the assessment of initial grant applications and the activities of monitoring and evaluation applied when the grant projects are being implemented. New procedures were proposed, and CISC staff and independent assessors were trained.
  • Set-up of a foster care system for minors without parental support and protection

    Start activities
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    Partner Institution
    Commissioner for Children's Rights
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    In Kazakhstan, the Commissioner for Children’s is engaged into deinstitutionalization reform as a lead of a consortium of NGOs, childcare institutions, and state administration. Professional foster families are considered an alternative to institutional placement for children without parental care. Through the peer-to-peer cooperation with the experts from Croatia and the Czech Republic, a set of methodological guidelines was developed with recommendations for different stages of working with foster families, from identification and selection to continuous support and evaluation. The outputs of the action also include the training curricula for prospective foster parents elaborated on the basis of EU countries best practices and good examples from Kazakhstan organizations. Finally, the action was an occasion for the partners to discover the practical set up of alternative care and services provision for vulnerable children during a study visit to Czech Republic (Prague, Pardubice).