• Reform of employment services and programs for the establishment of a one-stop-shop for employment promotion

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour, Public Administration and Social Affairs [Ministère du Travail, de la Fonction Publique et des Affaires Sociales]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    The Ministry of Labour, Public Administration and Social Affairs of Benin wanted to address, with the support of SOCIEUX-mobilized public experts, the challenge of successfully promoting decent employment opportunities among the youth. The French experts mainly provided an assessment of the current policy framework for youth employment promotion, as well as specific recommendations, mostly aimed to operate a reorganization of the Fonds National d’Action Sociale (FNAS) and strengthen the capacity of its staff. FNAS finally adopted the co-constructed strategy and its staff became more familiar with monitoring and evaluation tools applied to initiatives aiming at youth’s employment promotion.