• Technical assistance for the evaluation of the real cost of health care procedures and the updating of the basic prices for the reimbursement of health care services

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Health Insurance Institute [Institut National d?Assurance Maladie du Togo] (INAM)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The National Health Insurance Institute (INAM) of Togo is a SOCIEUX+ long-standing partner. Together, strategic and organizational topics have been addressed, thus enhancing INAM’s role into the management of health insurance, particularly in view of the roll-out of the 2021 Law instituting the Universal Health Coverage (UHC). This Action focused on specific components of health insurance management such as tariffication of health procedures and the assessment of the quality/performance of health service provision covered by the insurance. Experts from Belgium and France helped updating the reimbursement prices of a sample, based on a price-setting methodology that will remain in INAM’s availability.
  • Strengthening capacities of the public health insurance fund in Uzbekistan in the area of price setting

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    State Fund Health Insurance
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    Uzbekistan State Health Insurance Fund established in December 2020 is invested with the mandate to improve the access to healthcare services and the efficiency of the sector. At the initial stage, the fund is responsible for the formulation and piloting of new public health funding schemes. The peer-to-peer cooperation with the experts from Estonia, France, Czech Republic, and Germany reinforced the capacities of the Fund to manage this process, from identification of packages of reimbursable healthcare services to proposing guidelines for the price-setting mechanism and performance-based assessment. The Fund was also supported in implementing the pilot project in one of the regions.
  • Operational Review of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Zambia

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Health Insurance Management Authority
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    The purpose of this action was for the National Health Insurance Management Authority (NHIMA) to optimize the management of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). NHIMA was established by the National Health Insurance Act No.2 of 2018. The Act provided for the establishment of a compulsory National Health Insurance Scheme under the management of NHIMA. The Scheme, as part of the Health Care Financing Strategy of the Ministry of Health, is aimed at providing sound financing of the national health system and enhance universal access to quality insured healthcare services for all Zambians. NHIMA wished to understand where they stand after two years of implementing the Scheme, where are their strengths or weaknesses, and identify potential bottlenecks. NHIMA also wished to gain more knowledge and guidance on strengthening their current health-financing system, as well as to understand possible health financing options in view of attaining universal health coverage. Mobilized experts from Estonia, Finland, France, and Germany accompanied the partner’s reflection in the framework of 3 activities.
  • International Guest Expert lectures at Mahidol University: Health Financing and Social Health Protection in Europe

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD)
    Type of Assistance
    Regional events (awareness raising)
    As an integral part of the Master in Primary Health Care Management and Social Health Protection, Mahidol University and the ILO deployed a series of three specialized virtual seminars on subjects related to health financing from the region and Europe. To that purpose, the Mahidol University requested SOCIEUX+ support to mobilize two European public experts for the preparation and delivery of a remote guest lecture to the students of the Master programme. The lecture, delivered from experts from Germany and France, referred to the design, implementation, and financing of health care systems, including challenges and reforms adopted, in their home countries.
  • National Forum on Maternal and Child Health: Lessons learned from PIMI II (Programa Integrado de Redução da Morte Materna e Infantil) and perspectives

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Public Health [Ministério de Saúde Pública] (MINSAP)
    Type of Assistance
    Awareness raising (roundtables, seminars, workshops, etc)
    The request concerned a single activity for SOCIEUX+ to participate in a national conference on child and maternal health, organized by the Ministry of Public Health in collaboration with the EU-funded PIMI II’s programme. Due to the COVID-related travel restrictions, SOCIEUX+ experts from Portugal remotely participated to the national conference showcasing EU experiences relating to social protection financing and access to health, especially in the field of child and maternal health.
  • Linking disability assessment to social protection service provision for People with Disabilities (PdWs)

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Armenia has been engaged into a disability assessment reform and introduction of functional and human-rights based approach to disability. As a part of a longer cooperation between the Ministry and SOCIEUX+, this action was particularly focused on linkage between disability assessment and services that persons with disabilities are entitled to receive from social protection system. Experts from Greece and France supported the Ministry in elaboration of guidelines for social workers and members of disability assessment commissions on how to identify beneficiary’s needs for social and functional-related services (including assistive technologies) in line with person’s age, disability type and level, administer those services, monitor their effectiveness and efficiency and evaluate them.