Acciones en Promotion of Employment

  • Establishment of Thika model Job Centres to act as a one-stop-shop for all employment services for youth

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Employment Authority
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions), Institutional capacity building
    To better implement the national policies on youth employment, the National Employment Authority (NEA) solicited SOCIEUX+ cooperation to support them to create a pilot one-stop-shop in employment services for youth in Thika, that could be replicated nation-wide in case of success. This SOCIEUX+ action focused on developing a strategy to set up this pilot one-stop-shop by first realizing a diagnostic of the National Employment Authority (NEA) for the establishment of Thika’s one-stop-shop, focused on youth, then by jointly developing an operational strategic plan for the creation of the pilot one-stop-shop in Thika. The 3rd activity focused on developing a toolkit on youth counselling activities for job counsellors in Thika. The action mobilized Belgian and Swedish expertise.