Support to the International Forum on health coverage in the CIPRES area

Area of Assistance:
Regional events (awareness raising)
Partner Institution:
Conférence Interafricaine de la Prévoyance Sociale (CIPRES)
The Conférence Interafricaine de la Prévoyance Sociale (CIPRES) is a long-standing partner of SOCIEUX+. It gathers social security entities from 18 countries, mainly from Francophone Africa. In this circumstance the CIPRES Secretariat requested SOCIEUX+ to mobilize two public experts to share their country experiences and models on the occasion of the annual Forum on health coverage in the CIPRES area. Experts from France and Luxembourg have covered the following themes: an intervention of the financing of universal health coverage and good practices on the governance of organizations running health insurance schemes. The Forum took place in Lomé (Togo) in March 2019.