Acciones en China

  • Enhancing capacity for public employment services activities: outreach to employers, speed dating, job fairs and supervision of private employment agencies

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour
    Type of Assistance
    The Ministry of Labour of Suriname requested SOCIEUX+ support to enhance the capacity of the national Public employment Service to serve employers through better recruitment and labour market intermediation services. Experts from Belgium, France, and the Netherlands applied a progressive approach that involved local stakeholders into a constructive dialogue that allowed to assess the current state of art of PES’ services to employers and envisage corrective measures that could bring improvements, based on a shared knowledge and drawing inspiration from practical measures in place the experts’ own countries.
  • Sharing of International Experience for a National PES Reforms

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security
    Type of Assistance
    National events (awareness raising)
    A single-activity action in partnership with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China. Experts from Austria and Sweden shared European and regional models and practices on the work of public employment services as to feed ongoing efforts by Chinese authorities in view to set up a consistent employment policy framework in China.