Stories and testimonials

How is working with SOCIEUX+? Experts and partner institutions that have participated in our peer-to-peer cooperation activities share their impressions, stories and experiences:


On behalf of the National Agency for Employment we would like to express our appreciation for your cooperation, which has helped our institution to perceive our work in a new spectrum, created a new vision of our path and goals, helped us to try a different approach to things, and inspired us to develop employment services and measures taking into account the practices of the European Union. We thank you for your professionalism and dedication in carrying out such complex projects. We wish to keep this beautiful collaboration in the future!

Natalia Cîrlig, Senior Specialist Employment Policy Implementation Directorate, National Employment Agency, Moldova
(SOCIEUX+ action 2021-26)


What an adventure! Challenged by SOCIEUX+ embraced the mission to develop an Action Plan for People with Disabilities with the Disability Unit of Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity in Mauritius. Finished and approved work that turns into a feeling of enormous gratitude for having participated. Perhaps one of the most challenging but most rewarding jobs of my life. Sowing seeds for the rights of people with disabilities! Thank you.”

Maria João Almeida, technical expert from the Secretary of State for Inclusion, Portugal (SOCIEUX+ action 2020-35)


“Being able to participate as an expert in this international cooperation project has been an honor for me, and also a satisfaction because I have been able to present my knowledge and experience for the benefit of the citizens of Girardota through its Mayor’s Office, but also because I have acquired new knowledge on how to manage problematic situations related to the armed conflict and with the most vulnerable groups, through the implementation of socio-labor projects directly related to employment and decent work.”

Pedro Bergas Bassa, technical expert in Colombia
(SOCIEUX+ action 2017-33)


We are pleased to be partnering with SOCIEUX+. It has enabled us to deepen the studies on green jobs and the green economy in general for a better development of our country; the work of the experts amazed us.”

Mr Edmond Comlan Amoussou, Director General, National Employment Agency (ANPE), Togo.


SOCIEUX+ acts as a bridge to the international practice and expert community. Health care reform, the introduction of health care procurement mechanisms and new payment methods were initiated many years ago in Eastern and Western Europe; it is much more effective to learn from international experience for subsequent implementation and adaptation to local conditions than to go down this road from scratch.”

Zokhid Ermatov,  first deputy director, State Health Insurance Fund of Uzbekistan
(SOCIEUX+ action 2022-01)


“Disability inclusion has come to the agenda of national and international organizations recently, due to which mutual learning and exchange of experiences and information are important (see Art. 32 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities). This was a good learning experience for me and my institution, as the approach was peer-to-peer and I could also learn from the other expert and the partner country very much. It is a very interesting forum for collaboration between Europe and other parts of the world. It is really wonderful that the SOCIEUX+ Facility is seriously taking disability inclusion into account, which is not yet self-evident unfortunately in many other programmes.”

Hisayo Katsui, Associate Professor in Disability Studies, Helsinki University. Technical expert in Cambodia (SOCIEUX+ action 2020-09)


“This professional experience allowed me to better understand and identify the training and professional integration needs of the country. My observation is that changes in the professional field are making themselves felt and becoming urgent for companies so that they can meet the needs of “tomorrow”. Professional integration only comes through training. SOCIEUX+ does a wonderful job in all sectors and its expertise, which perfectly meets the needs of partners, is highly appreciated by partners.”

Abdoulaye Sow, technical expert in Côte d’Ivoire
(SOCIEUX+ action 2018-22)


A very rewarding experience carried out in an interesting environment, marked by significant political and cultural difficulties but, nonetheless, absolutely worthwhile! SOCIEUX+’s approach is innovative and respectful of local diversity, promoting local ownership and processes at several levels.”

Andrea Lampis, principal expert in Colombia (SOCIEUX+ action 2019-02)


We want to highlight the quality and warmth demonstrated by all the experts who have participated in this activity, and in particular those who have participated in recent weeks, leaving their soul and skin in the DNA of our institution, demonstrating not only a high technical and academic quality, but a deep commitment to a social issue of deep priority for our country: the rights of persons with disabilities and institutional empowerment and the associative movement for which we are highly grateful for this opportunity.”

Joaquín Díaz, National Director of Promotion and Citizen Participation of the National Secretariat for Disability (SENADIS), Panama
(SOCIEUX+ action 2021-22)


“The CPPF, which was created in 2014 and started its activities in 2015, has been collaborating with SOCIEUX+ since its inception in several areas of activity. To date, the CPPF’s collaboration with SOCIEUX+ has contributed globally and positively to strengthening its performance and has given it a reputation at national level as a reference social security fund. SOCIEUX+ is an asset for the CPPF, as they work together to achieve the strategic vision of the Director General. The expertise of SOCIEUX+ is based on the high quality professional experience of its experts.”

Huguette Moussodou, Director of Communication,
Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des agents de l’Etat (CPPF) of Gabon (SOCIEUX+ actions 2020-15 and 2020-13)


“What I like the most about working with SOCIEUX+ is its respect for the professionalism of the experts and their technical independence. In addition, there is very close monitoring by SOCIEUX+ of the development of the missions, which offers security to the experts, especially in the case of distant and culturally different countries. SOCIEUX+ is, at the same time, strict with respect to the aims and flexible in relation to the means to achieve the programmed objectives. The partner institution has demonstrated, throughout the activity, a great commitment and, what is more important, an enviable capacity for reaction. The officials of the aforementioned institution have acted with great interest and professional passion, which enriches the mutual relationship and stimulates joint work”.

Carlos García de Cortázar, technical expert from the Spanish Association of Health and Social Security (AESS) in Kenya (SOCIEUX+ action 2022-24)

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