Partner Institution:
Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment
Based on the request by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment (FMLE), this action aimed to strengthen the individual and organisational capacities of the Public Employment Service agencies to increase employers’ awareness, understanding and engagement with their services. To this purpose, experts mobilized by SOCIEUX+ helped to asses gaps and needs and to formulate recommendations on individual capacities and training needs of job centres’ staff to effectively reach, engage and provide services to employers; they also helped to assess to what extent employers are aware of, understand and engage with PES services. As a result, an Employers’ Outreach, Engagement and Communication Strategy, was drafted in cooperation with experts. Finally, the last activity facilitated the design, preparation and deployment of a training of trainers’ (ToT) plan with two workshops. The first week was dedicated to the animation of a working group of FMLE managers aiming at designing and agreeing on services to employers and the second week to the ToT on outreach, engagement and provision of services to employers for a group of PES job counsellors/trainers. Throughout the action, experts from Austria, Lithuania and Sweden were involved.