• Building capacity in the FMLE to increase employers’ awareness, understanding and engagement to their labour intermediation services

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development), Organisation/business strategy & planning
    Based on the request by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment (FMLE), this action aimed to strengthen the individual and organisational capacities of the Public Employment Service agencies to increase employers’ awareness, understanding and engagement with their services. To this purpose, experts mobilized by SOCIEUX+ helped to asses gaps and needs and to formulate recommendations on individual capacities and training needs of job centres’ staff to effectively reach, engage and provide services to employers; they also helped to assess to what extent employers are aware of, understand and engage with PES services. As a result, an Employers’ Outreach, Engagement and Communication Strategy, was drafted in cooperation with experts. Finally, the last activity facilitated the design, preparation and deployment of a training of trainers’ (ToT) plan with two workshops. The first week was dedicated to the animation of a working group of FMLE managers aiming at designing and agreeing on services to employers and the second week to the ToT on outreach, engagement and provision of services to employers for a group of PES job counsellors/trainers. Throughout the action, experts from Austria, Lithuania and Sweden were involved.
  • Promote employment opportunities for persons with disabilities through a gender equity approach

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Disability Secretariat [Secretaría Nacional de Discapacidad]
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development, Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    Building on the previous support (Action 2022-21) provided by SOCIEUX+, this action supported the National Disability Secretariat (SENADIS) of Panama to promote the inclusive labour insertion, with a gender equality approach, by elaborating a roadmap for the improvement of the labour intermediation services specifically aimed at promoting the labour insertion of persons with disabilities. Different teams of experts from Spain have contributed to strengthening the skills of actors involved in the labour market integration of persons with disabilities, by delivering training modules. The experts have also framed the acquired knowledge and a compendium of practices into a Guide to support the work of those agents in charge of enabling persons with disabilities to find a decent and accessible employment.
  • Financial and policy advice on the establishment of the Unemployment Fund

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Social Security Commission (SSC)
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development, Sectoral planning & budgeting, Financial management (incl. budgeting)
    The Social Security Commission of Namibia aims to enlarge its offer of social security schemes to encompass unemployment benefits. The contribution requested to SOCIEUX+ was mainly on exploring policy and organizational possibilities according to the context; to this purpose, SOCIEUX+ mobilized experts from France, Lithuania, Romania, and Spain. They have first been looking into the recent COVID-related stimulus package to protect laid-off workers and explore possibilities to integrate those measures into a structural instrument. Experts then looked at options for financing such a scheme, and how it would be governed and administered by the Social Security Commission. Such technical background will prove useful in the event Namibia will decide to move forward with the introduction of unemployed benefits.
  • Technical and institutional appraisal for the establishment of a unified registry for social protection in Lebanon

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Social Affairs
    Type of Assistance
    Information management systems
    The Ministry of Social Affairs of Lebanon asked SOCIEUX+ support in the establishment of a unified registry for social protection (USRP), according to the National Social Protection Strategy. The goal is to have available a comprehensive data platform of beneficiary households of the existing social assistance benefits and schemes. In fact, today Lebanon’s economic crisis translates into persisting hardship for the poorest and impoverishment of the medium class; in such a situation, social transfers and basic services are key to secure essential livelihood and ultimately social stability. As those are massively funded by international donors, a national URSP would allow the Lebanese Government to steer social assistance delivery based on comprehensive data and IMS infrastructure. In this context, the planned EU support will be key to provide the necessary technical expertise to set up a functional and technological solution for setting up the URSP. The present Action – and the mobilized Spanish and French expertise - helped to prepare the terms of reference for the selection of the consultancy that will be in charge of ERSP’s development. The consultancy was actually selected, and the project started beginning 2024.
  • Strengthening inter-institutional coordination for the implementation of a National System of Employment Guidance Services

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Social Security [Ministerio del Trabajo y la Seguridad Social]
    Type of Assistance
    Organisation/business strategy & planning
    Action 2023-11 was implemented from May to November 2023. The first activity consisted in conducting an assessment of the national ecosystem of career guidance services (definition, actors, services, governance, management, etc.) in order to identify challenges and set priorities. Subsequently, the second activity focused on the organisation of an inter-institutional working seminar with the objective of gathering the different experiences at national and international level and generating working groups on career guidance services. Finally, the third activity ,initially planned to support the drafting of a proposal for an inter-institutional Agreement on the National System of Employment Guidance Services, was extended to include labour intermediation services in the same framework collaboration agreement, with the aim of extending its scope towards the creation of a "National Network of Employment Services".