SOCIEUX launched a new phase of work for the next four years

SOCIEUX launched a new phase of work for the next four years

  SOCIEUX+ launches new, four-year work phase The support of equitable social protection systems and employment policies remains a key area for European international and development cooperation, and has gained even greater relevance in the context of the COVID-19...
Setting the ground on disability policies

Setting the ground on disability policies

Exchange of experiences and videos shared during this activity, with the experiences of Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP), ASSOL and TOJALTEC, Portugal. Pictures cortesy of Maria Oliveira Costa (IEFP), and special thanks to the Director of Tondela...
The SOCIEUX+ response to COVID-19

The SOCIEUX+ response to COVID-19

The SOCIEUX+ response to COVID-19 During these challenging times, global cooperation among peers is more important than ever before. The ability to rapidly exchange information on lessons learned during this global pandemic is essential to securing equitable and...