Actions in Palestine

  • Setting up a comprehensive internal capacity-building and training system for MoSD

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Social Development (MoSD)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions)
    The Ministry of Social Development (MoSD) of Palestine is the leader, coordinator and organizer of the social development sector and is responsible for developing policies and trends, in addition to the tasks of control and supervision. The MoSD is committed to invest in developing the skills and knowledge of all employees to boost performance, achieve strategic objectives, and enhance service delivery to citizens. As a result of the mobilization of public expertise from Bulgaria, Belgium and France in the framework of SOCIEUX+, an assessment of capacities and skills requirements was conducted. This led to the formulation of a capacity-building and monitoring & evaluation (M&E) training strategy for the MoSD, along with providing the necessary functional design, elements, and tools for establishing a Training Management System (TMS).
  • Strengthening of the monitoring and evaluation system at the Ministry of Social Development

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Social Development (MoSD)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions)
    The Action has served the purpose of preparing the terms of reference for the provision of technical assistance for “Strengthening (…) the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system of the Palestinian Ministry of Social Development (MoSD)”. The outcome of the Action is also at a more general level. An assessment of the current weaknesses of the M&E in operation at MoSD has allowed to open a debate about the possible ways to improve it, which resulted in the definition of a shared vision by the management of MoSD on the nature and purposes of a M&E system. Peer experts working with Palestinian counterparts came from public administrations of Ireland, Lithuania, and the Netherlands.