Actions in Tunísia

  • Support for setting up an advanced business intelligence system (BIS) in the field of social protection

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Center for Research and Social Studies [Centre de Recherche et d’Etudes Social]
    Type of Assistance
    Information management systems
    The Centre for Social Research and Studies (CRES) is a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs mandated to carry out operational research and studies, and provide decision and policy-making support in the field of social protection. The Tunisian Government relies on the competence of the CRES to implement reforms that are based on sound evidence. The agency’s main task consists in carrying out studies and assessments of the current gaps and weaknesses of the social protection system. The CRES has therefore developed a business intelligence system (BIS) since 2012 which builds the basis of CRES’ research activities. Experts mobilised by SOCIEUX worked with their Tunisian peers in analysing existing BIS and assess the CRES team’s capacities to upgrade, capitalise and maintain its data warehouse. They also to strengthened knowledge and skills in key areas such as statistical analysis, design social security indicators and drafting analytical reports on pension and health insurance schemes. Exchanges were continued through a study visit to Belgian institutions.