Lista de acciones

  • Exchange of experience in providing special social services to persons with disabilities on regional level

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Department of employment and social protection of the city of Nur-Sultan
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development), Institutional capacity building
    Department of Employment and Social Protection of the city of Astana is the main entity at the regional level to organize the provision of social services to vulnerable population, including persons with disabilities (PwDs). In its structure, the Department has several residential and daycare institutions which provide social services. In this action, the experts from Romania conducted the assessment and contributed to the improvement of special social services delivered to PwDs, including the services that support personal autonomy and independence of beneficiaries. Peer-to-peer cooperation resulted in both the reinforcement of the skills of the staff working directly with beneficiaries and in the reinforcement of the collective capacities of the care institutions concerned.
  • Establishment of Thika model Job Centres to act as a one-stop-shop for all employment services for youth

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Employment Authority
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions), Institutional capacity building
    To better implement the national policies on youth employment, the National Employment Authority (NEA) solicited SOCIEUX+ cooperation to support them to create a pilot one-stop-shop in employment services for youth in Thika, that could be replicated nation-wide in case of success. This SOCIEUX+ action focused on developing a strategy to set up this pilot one-stop-shop by first realizing a diagnostic of the National Employment Authority (NEA) for the establishment of Thika’s one-stop-shop, focused on youth, then by jointly developing an operational strategic plan for the creation of the pilot one-stop-shop in Thika. The 3rd activity focused on developing a toolkit on youth counselling activities for job counsellors in Thika. The action mobilized Belgian and Swedish expertise.
  • Support to the Social Security Corporation of Jordan in adopting a referral mechanism

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Social Security Corporation
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    The Social Security Corporation of Jordan provides social insurance to employees of the public and private sector, and retirees. They do not, at the stage of the request, provide health insurance. The SSC is planning to establish a health insurance scheme to cover private sector workers and relatives and to be made compulsory to SSC contributors and their family dependents. This action, supported by Belgian and Portuguese expertise, provided the SSC with a mapping of approaches to referral mechanisms with their pros and cons as well as a roadmap for adopting a referral system.
  • Development of proposals for normative regulation of the activities of non-standard employment (digital platform) workers

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    JSC "Center for the Development of Human Resources"
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    The Workforce Development Center is a think tank related to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Kazakhstan. Its role is to provide analytical expertise and information support to the government on labour market related issues. With gig-economy becoming a wider phenomenon in Kazakhstan, the Center was engaged in the preparation of regulatory framework related to digital platform workers. With expertise from Hungary, Lithuania and Portugal mobilized for this cooperation, the action contributed to better understanding of the problematics by the Center’s staff by sharing knowledge of approaches already used in EU countries and supranational European recommendations. This was followed by an assessment of the existing legal framework in Kazakhstan and proposals and guidelines for a reform.
  • Review of the legal framework and strategy supporting veterans? entrepreneurial activities

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    The Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building, Policy development
  • Improving the system of monitoring and evaluation of social projects within the framework of grant funding for NGOs

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Non-profit joint-stock company "Center for Support of Civil Initiatives"
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    Civil Initiatives Support Center (CISC) created in 2016 is the operator for all public and some private grants delivered to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Kazakhstan. Its mission is to maintain relations of confidence and transparency between the state and CSOs and to support the development of civil society in Kazakhstan in terms of funding as well as capacity building. Through the expertise from Romania and Portugal, this action supported CISC to make more efficient, transparent and homogenous the assessment of initial grant applications and the activities of monitoring and evaluation applied when the grant projects are being implemented. New procedures were proposed, and CISC staff and independent assessors were trained.
  • Methodology for processing “Medium-term development program for people with disabilities and their families (2023-2025)”

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    General authority for development of persons with disabilities
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development, Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The Action has mainly resulted in information sharing and methodological support. The General Authority for development of persons with disabilities intended to develop a strategic approach for serving persons with disabilities at its best. To this goal, SOCIEUX+ mobilized an extraordinary, diversified expertise from Finland, France, Italy, Portugal, Romania, and Sweden, for the very purpose of exposing the Partner to a varied set of models and practices. Individual capacity building of Partner’s staff has been part of this strategy. The last step of the cooperation has been to set up a full-fledged methodology on how to develop a medium-term action plan for persons with disabilities and their families, inclusive of potential actions and services inspired by EU best practices fostering social inclusion and independent living.
  • Support for the design and structuring of a sustainable business model for the Agricultural and Labour Training Centre of the Agricultural Chamber of the East

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Agricultural Chamber of the East
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions), Financial management (incl. budgeting), Organisation/business strategy & planning
    The Center for Agricultural Training (CFA) of the Eastern Agricultural Chamber (CAO) of Bolivia was expected to take off in 2022 towards a modern professional training model tailored to the needs of agricultural producers and workers. The CAO was committed to work on the Institutional systematization of the CFA to ensure their services could reach most associates and meet the basic requirements of a training entity. Collaboration with experts from Spain and France through SOCIEUX+ was pivotal in providing resources and expertise for long-term sustainability of the CFA. An extensive organizational assessment led to the creation of an operational plan and a collaborative effort to design a pedagogical model for the CFA. Additionally, a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system was established to ensure the effectiveness and quality of the training programs.
  • Developing procedure of selection and certification of the disability assessors and SOP of Disability Assessment Centres

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions)
    The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Armenia embarked on a significant reform initiative to transition towards the ICF-based approach for disability assessment and eligibility rule, establishing 48 ICF Disability Assessment Centres (DACs) nationwide. Through peer-to-peer cooperation with experts mobilized by SOCIEUX+ from Greece and Cyprus, a Training of Trainers Manual was developed to implement the new methodology, alongside an e-learning course template for assessor training and certification. Staff at the DACs was trained to use the available test results and to better assign the correct IFC qualifier. A workflow tool was created to streamline administrative and scientific procedures at DACs, emphasizing the role of case managers and 86 trainee case managers were trained to support assessment committees effectively, managing e-code information and enhancing vignette development quality. Paramedics and active case managers participated in workshops to optimize test usage and appointment scheduling for clients to be assesed. This comprehensive approach enhanced the operational efficiency and quality of disability assessment services in Armenia.
  • Improving and structuring social services in Uzbekistan

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Agency for the Development of Medical and Social Services of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development