• Capacity building for the improvement of the Brazilian second pillar pension governance and supervision of the legal and regulatory framework

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Cearense Association of Economists Pensioners and Retirees (ACEA)
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The Associação Cearense dos Economiários Aposentados e Pensionistas (ACEA) reached out to SOCIEUX+ in order to provide capacity building, in the form of e-learning courses, to members of Brazilian organizations defending the rights of pensioners. ACEA noticed a clear need for members of such organizations to gain more extensive knowledge on governance, management, and supervision of occupational pension funds, in order to detect shortfalls in the system, apply due diligence, and prevent mismanagement and fraudulent behaviors. The e-learnings, crafted by Portuguese, Spanish, German, and French expertise covered topics such as basic knowledge of the functioning of second pillar pension funds, best practices for regulation and supervision of funds, legal and regulatory frameworks governing second pillar pension funds. This successful e-learnings were followed by hundreds of participants from various parts of Brazil.
  • Capacity building for the empowerment of the national disability associative movement

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Disability Secretariat [Secretaría Nacional de Discapacidad]
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Action contributed to a process of improvement of the institutional framework and enhancement of the Partner’s individual capacities to establish relationships with the external environment on matters relating to the protection and development of persons with disabilities. , both in terms of working in synergy with potential/existing partners (result 1) and increasing their outreach to the larger public (result 2). Empowerment, leadership and advocacy have been addressed as key elements for empowering the Secretaría Nacional de Discapacidad to outreach target groups, including the vast landscape of NGOs defending and promoting the rights of persons with disabilities. Peer experts from Portugal and Spain delivered a mapping of the institutional landscape, deployed training on advocacy, communication and networking, and finally drafted a roadmap aimed to strengthen institutional relationships and governance mechanisms for the disability sector.
  • Capacity building of the employment administration and its public service

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Employment, Youth and Sports [Ministère de l?Emploi, de la Jeunesse et des Sports]
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    An initial activity produced an in-depth assessment of the existing state, capacities and needs in governance and services of the Directorate General for Employment (DGE) of the Ministry of Employment, Youth and Sports of Mauritania. The following two activities aimed to help the partner to enhance managerial arrangements and organizational capacities, particularly by providing managers with the tools apt to make their teams to work better, such as job descriptions and performance-evaluation tools. Finally, experts from France and Belgium helped to develop a system for monitoring and evaluating the performance of teams.
  • Implementation of the Employability Enhancement Project for the development of Soft Skills

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Agency for the Promotion of Youth Employment
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The request from the National Agency for the Promotion of Youth Employment (ANPEJ) of Senegal supported by the Employment Direction (DE) of the Ministry of Employment, Vocational Training, and Handicrafts and GIZ Youmatch initiative aimed at promoting the soft skills-based approach in the service offer for young jobseekers. Experts from Belgium and France supported their peers from ANPEJ and DE to agree on a common definition of soft skills, to identify a set of skills most relevant for the labour market in Senegal as well as to elaborate specific tools for job counsellors. A training of trainers through SOCIEUX+ e-learning platform was conducted to enable ANPEJ and DE staff to practically apply the tools and concepts developed during the action.
  • Modernization of the management of public administration recruitment in the civil service regime of Costa Rica

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    General Directorate of Civil Service [Dirección General De Servicio Civil] (DGSC)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    Through this first Action in partnership with the Dirección General De Servicio Civil of Panama, SOCIEUX+ helped the Partner to reform the process of selection of the personnel of public administrations. Public experts from Spain first looked into the processes of recruitment and selection of the public administration staff, for then putting forward an alternative model focusing on knowledge tests. In the framework of the Action, a test of the new model was done through a pilot project, duly assessed at the end of the cooperation with SOCIEUX+. The latter ultimately provided technical ground and proposed specific models to contribute to the selection of civil servants with a knowledge-based, soft-skilled, meritocratic approach.
  • Strengthening the institutional capacity of the labour market observatory [Reforçar a capacidade institucional do observatório do mercado de trabalho]

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Observatory for labour market [Observatório do mercado de trabalho]
    Type of Assistance
    Organisation/business strategy & planning
    The Labour Market Observatory of Cabo Verde requested support on elaboration of its strategic development plan. Experts from France and Italy mobilized for this action supported the Observatory to identify strengths and challenges, better understand the environment and stakeholders involved into labour market research and evolution, find its value added, define a mandate, chose thematic scope of interventions for the next five years and formulate a development strategy. Training activities reinforced the capacities of Observatory’s Technical Unit staff to implement the strategic plan. The action was completed by a seminar where the Strategic development plan was presented to Observatory’s potential partners.