• Audit of the existing sectors and job descriptions at the CPPF

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents [Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des Agents de l'Etat] (CPPF)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents (CPPF) of Gabon requested SOCIEUX+ support on organizational matters. In particular, CPPF wished to review and eventually improve its actual human resources management system. In the course of two activities, French experts have accompanied the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of HR management at CPPF and put forward proposals and recommendations for improvement, mainly concerning the recruitment process, the (re)formulation job descriptions and the reorganization of functional and hierarchical responsibilities and workflows.
  • Green Jobs promotion by Public Employment Services [L’implication des Services Publics de L’Emploi dans les Emplois Verts]

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Youth, Sports and Employment [Ministère de la Promotion des Jeunes, des Sports et de l’Emploi]
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Employment of Chad has requested SOCIEUX+ to facilitate the participation of a public expert as key speaker on the occasion of the international conference of the World Association of Public Employment services (WAPES). The mobilized Dutch expert has addressed the question of the potential of ‘green jobs’ within the expected transformation of the agro-industry in the African country.
  • Support to implementation of the Management Information System (MIS) of the Zanzibar Universal Pension Scheme (ZUPS)

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Empowerment, Social Welfare, Youth, Women and Children
    Type of Assistance
    Information management systems
    The Action supported the Ministry of Empowerment, Social Welfare, Youth, Women and Children of Zanzibar in the roll-out of the MIS system for social pensions in Zanzibar (Pemba and Unguja). Experts from Germany and Spain provided technical advice and quality assurance, and ensured, with the participation of the UNICEF country office, that all actors achieved their tasks in due time. The main contribution of the experts was to keep the process on the right track, both in terms of technical requirements and implementation pace.
  • Sharing of International Experience for a National PES Reforms

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security
    Type of Assistance
    National events (awareness raising)
    A single-activity action in partnership with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China. Experts from Austria and Sweden shared European and regional models and practices on the work of public employment services as to feed ongoing efforts by Chinese authorities in view to set up a consistent employment policy framework in China.
  • Social security for internal migrants and the informal sector [Sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants et formalisation des travailleurs du secteur informel]

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    SOCIEUX+ organized and delivered a training involving staff of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Cameroon regarding the transition to formal work and the social rights to which informal workers should be entitled. Experts from France have displayed international principles and norms and presented indicators that can accompany a policy of formalization.