Actions en Employment Accident Benefits

  • Reform of the WC system in Kenya based on social insurance models

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Directorate of Occupational safety and Health Services
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    The Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services at the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Kenya was committed in 2023 to transforming the current employer liability provisions with a system of workers’ compensation based on social insurance. The mobilization of public expertise from Spain, Estonia, Germany, Slovenia, and Czech Republic in the framework of SOCIEUX+ played a significant role in advancing the adoption of a reform proposal for the current Workers' Compensation (WC) framework in Kenya. The results of the collaborative efforts included a comparative analysis of WC systems based on social insurance and a presentation of international good practices, an assessment of the current legal framework, a policy paper setting the stage for a reform proposal, including the insurance scheme’s main components and the strategic and operational steps to be undertaken, and the drafting of specific parts of the new regulatory framework. The activities emphasized the link between prevention, compensation, and rehabilitation, and cultivated support from social partners for the proposed legislative reforms.
  • Comprehensive review of Botswana’s Worker’s Compensation framework, to develop a national framework reform proposal

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs (MLHA)
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    The Department of OSH at Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs of Botswana was working on exploring whether and how it would be feasible to replace employer liability provisions with a system of workers’ compensation based on social insurance. As a result of the mobilization of public expertise from Germany, Italy, Spain and Slovenia in the framework of SOCIEUX+, the current national legislation and regulatory framework on workers' compensation was assessed against existing best practice and international standards and guidance and recommendations were provided for updating the current national legislation and regulatory framework, based on feasibility, technical capacity and sustainability considerations.
  • Enhancing rehabilitation capacities of Workers Compensation Fund

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Workers Compensation Fund (WCF)
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The Workers Compensation Fund (WCF) of Tanzania leads the Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) insurance branch. It requested SOCIEUX+ to enhance its internal capacities to deal with rehabilitation of workers affected by work-related injuries and/or sickness. In the course of four training activities experts mobilized by the German Association of Accident Insurance (DGUV) provided to WCF staff an introduction on rehabilitation management, tackled procedures case managers have to deploy, and strengthened WCF and its partners’ knowledge in the field of labour medicine. The four training activities involved WCF technical and administrative staff as well as staff from collaborative medical facilities and touched up several OSH-related areas such as legislative framework, case management, medical notions, communication to right-holders. The activities progressively identified gaps and proposed recommendations for further action.
  • Social dialogue and public-private partnerships for green jobs in the Forestry sector of Loreto

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Regional Government of Loreto
    Type of Assistance
    Organisation/business strategy & planning
    The Action aimed to support the regional government of Loreto to promote opportunities for decent green jobs. It focused on the potential of public-private mechanisms for the sustainable development of Loreto's forestry sector with the generation of green, formal and decent jobs for the local youth. The Regional Direction of Employment chose to join an existing Regional Forestry Roundtable. Experts from France, Germany and Spain mapped the value chains of the forestry sector, made an analysis of the needed professional skills to access quality green jobs. In that perspective, experts formulated a proposal for a pilot training programme for young people, that could act as a catalyst for creating employment opportunities in the regional forestry sector.
  • Technical support on rehabilitation services and capacity building

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Workers Compensation Fund (WCF)
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The Workers Compensation Fund (WCF) of Tanzania asked SOCIEUX+ to help looking into its own rehabilitation strategy, in the perspective of addressing gaps and plan improvements thanks to inspirational exchanges with EU peer experts. Experts from Germany (the German Association of Accident Insurance – DGUV) and Lithuania first overviewed the existing WCF’s rehabilitation strategies, then provided technical advice for its improvement; they particularly stressed the importance to conceive rehabilitation work in relation to the three distinct dimensions physical, social, and vocational rehabilitation, all important for allowing injured works to go back to active professional life.
  • Professional risks in the public sector

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    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents [Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des Agents de l'Etat] (CPPF)
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents (CPPF) of Gabon shared with SOCIEUX+ its intention to expand the package of benefits available to its right-holders, namely State agents, by including insurance coverage for professional accidents and diseases State agents may run into in the deployment of the statutory functions. In that perspective, mobilized public experts from France and Luxembourg have first established an inventory of the existing system of coverage of risks linked to occupational diseases and accidents at work of Gabonese public officials, then drafted normative texts that can duly amend the scope of the system of benefits provided by CPPF, for extending coverage to occupational safety and health risks.
  • Development of Occupational Safety and Health in Nigeria

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Safety Advocacy and Empowerment Foundation
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    A series of training sessions and a study visit to Germany have addressed the partner’s request to promote a preventative safety and health culture in the workplace. The Safety Advocacy and Empowerment Foundation cooperates with the Lagos State Safety Commission in view to ensure the adequate occupational safety and health preventive and reactive measures are in place in the factories and firms of one of the most industrialized regions in the whole Africa. Training delivered by experts belonging to the German Association of Accident Insurance (DGUV) concerned principles of prevention, assessing risks in the workplace, the ‘Vision Zero’ concept, and the specific area of road safety.
  • Support to the Implementation of an Employment Injury Insurance System for Malawi

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour, Youth, Sports and Manpower Development
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The SOCIEUX+ contribution was mainly directed to uphold the current, joint Government of Malawi – ILO efforts towards the establishment of the Workers Compensation Scheme for Malawi. The Government of Malawi has embarked on the process of establishing a social insurance-based employment injury insurance system through the Workers Compensation Fund. The system is to replace the existing employer-liability system and functions on the basis of risk pooling. This reform entails the development of a system that mandatorily collects appropriate premiums from all employers and provides compensation towards injured workers from a Government-managed fund.
  • Developing of a policy for occupational health and safety in the public administration

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Directorate of Public Administration - Ministry of Finances [Direcção Nacional da Administração Pública - Ministério das Finanças]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    On the demand of the National Directorate of Public Administration of the Ministry of Finance of Cabo Verde, the main objective of this action was to assess the health and safety situation in the workplace in the public administration. During a single exploratory activity, information on partnerships, internal functioning, delegation system, procedural organization of services, hazard management, system of governance and management teams, was compiled and shared with relevant stakeholders by a Portuguese expert. That information was intended to feed a systemic diagnosis of the organization and services and to formulate a way forward to their improvement.