• Support to the Implementation of an Employment Injury Insurance System for Malawi

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour, Youth, Sports and Manpower Development
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The SOCIEUX+ contribution was mainly directed to uphold the current, joint Government of Malawi – ILO efforts towards the establishment of the Workers Compensation Scheme for Malawi. The Government of Malawi has embarked on the process of establishing a social insurance-based employment injury insurance system through the Workers Compensation Fund. The system is to replace the existing employer-liability system and functions on the basis of risk pooling. This reform entails the development of a system that mandatorily collects appropriate premiums from all employers and provides compensation towards injured workers from a Government-managed fund.
  • Building capactiy of the UTM to enable the management of universal health insurance coverage

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    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Technical Unition of Mutual Health Insurance [Union Technique de la Mutualité] (UTM)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    The Technical Union of Malian Mutual Insurers (UTM) is one of three functioning bodies responsible for health insurance coverage. The UTM functions as an umbrella organisation for about 30 (of 164) voluntary mutual health insurance schemes. The UTM supports the creation, development and technical supervision of schemes and the management of a common health insurance platform for all its members. The National Strategy to Extend the Coverage of Mutual Health Insurers was adopted in 2011 to improve the accessibility to healthcare of populations in the rural and informal sectors. It is backed by a 10-year Health and Social Development Plan for 2014-2023, which aims at increasing insurance coverage to 20% of the target population and, in the long-term, universal health coverage. In this context, UTM began to redefine its strategies to improve its capacity and political position in the perspective of shouldering responsibility in achieving universal health coverage. At an operational level, it produced an internal organisation reform plan for 2014-2016. Organisation and individual capacity building was essential to enable the implementation of this plan. Experts mobilised by SOCIEUX worked with the UTM staff on outlining scenarios for strategic options and organisational structure. To do this, they started by assessing the existing institutional strategy and corporate capacities. An outline of the needed structures and competences followed. A first draft of a guideline to develop the UTM’s Strategic Development Plan resulted from this work, which set preliminary core objectives, mission, vision and main working axes for the UTM.
  • Support to the development of the legal, institutional and structural framework for social assistance

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of State, Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs & Vocational Education
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    The action was grounded on the National Strategy for Social Protection and focused on territorial social assistance as a fundamental tool to outreach vulnerable (and often peripheral) populations. The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs & Vocational Education of Ivory Coast supported engaged with different teams of experts from France. The main action’s result has been the definition of a vision and concrete guidelines for structuring and strengthening decentralized social assistance in Ivory Coast, by providing an organizational path for strengthening the local social development centers.
  • Capacity Building (Training) of Social Assistance Staff of implementation of the RISE Families Programme

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Social Development - Department of Social Services, Nevis Island Administration (NIA)
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    Following an initial capacity assessment of the Department of Social Services of the Ministry of Social Development of Nevis, a proposal describing the training needs, the target group, the duration, the proposed training activities, was prepared by experts from Croatia and the United Kingdom. The following training involved case workers of the Restore, Inspire, Secure and Empower social-support Program (RISE) and included: engagement with people in need of assistance; people’s risk assessment; attitudes and professionalism of social workers; confidentiality; managing people’s anger; managing information and data; engagement with other public agencies; understanding family dynamics; assessing cases of child sexual abuse. Finally, experts summed up all materials, methods and information delivered throughout the training and compiled a practical manual that is now available to train the newly hired RISE Program case managers.
  • Support for the set up of universal health insurance

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Institut National d’Assurance Maladie (INAM)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    Experts mobilized from France and Lebanon delivered an analysis of Togo’s Institut National d’Assurance Maladie (INAM)’s institutional organization and capacities. The assessment focused on the challenges faced by INAM in view of the extension of health coverage, clarified the institutional responsibilities, while identifying issues requiring further technical assistance to INAM, such as the preparation of a strategic plan, the enhancement of internal capacities in the field of “risk management,” and the development of a management information system. The first two topics were then addressed by experts through peer-to-peer exchanges with the relevant INAM’s executives and staff, presenting models and good practices applicable to INAM’s context and needs.
  • Health financing reform and introduction of mandatory health insurance

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance under the Cabinet of Ministers [Nazirlər Kabineti yanında İcbari Tibbi Sığorta üzrə Dövlət Agentliyinin]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
    Support the government of Azerbaijan and in particular to the State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance (SAMHI) in creating the necessary conditions for the introduction of mandatory health insurance