SOCIEUX+ at European Development Days
With more than 8,000 participants from over 140 countries, European Development Days (EDDs) continues to be Europe’s leading development forum. It was an honour for SOCIEUX+ to participate this year, organizing a session on Universal social protection: From poverty to inequality jointly with the OECD Development Centre. The session was moderated by Alexander Pick, Economist at the OECD Development Centre. Thanks to the invaluable contributions of all our speakers, partners and participants.
If you missed the session, you can watch it now here. And don’t miss our photo album and social media summary.
“Based on peer-to-peer exchange, SOCIEUX+ is a flexible, responsive and simple cooperation instrument”
Learn about the challenges of social protection today, and the response from SOCIEUX+, in this the interview with Gian Luca Portacolone, SOCIEUX+ Social Protection Coordinator, and Xavier Coyer, SOCIEUX+ Technical Expert (French version here).
Green jobs workshop in the Peruvian Amazon
In this video, we review our recent workshop on green jobs in the forest sector in Iquitos, Peru, with the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion.
Latest Activities
Occupational health and safety conditions in Georgia
Working session with the Ministry of Labour, the European Business Association (EBA), and the EU Delegation in Georgia (SOCIEUX+ 2019-07 Georgia).
Promoting the employment of persons with disabilities in Peru
Joint work with the Ministry of Labour in Peru to promote employment among people living with disabilities (SOCIEUX+ 2018-23 Peru).
Analysis of the national social security system in Mexico
Working with the National Organization of State Social Security Institutions (ONIESS) in Mexico on the design of a workplan assessing the national social security system to prepare for the next pension reform (SOCIEUX+ 2018-18 Mexico).
Training occupational safety and health professionals in Nigeria
Development of occupational safety and health training in Nigeria with the Lagos State Safety Commission, Safety Advocacy and Empowerment Foundation, and Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV) (SOCIEUX+ 2019-13 Nigeria).
Call for Experts
Are you an expert in social protection, labour, or employment policies? Check out all the upcoming opportunities here. Hope to work together soon!
SOCIEUX+ in five languages
Want to know more about SOCIEUX+? Download our leaflets, available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese.
SOCIEUX+ EU Expertise on Social Protection, Labour and Employment
c/o SPF Sécurité sociale FPS Social Security
Centre Administratif du Botanique – Finance Tower (FINTO)
Kruidtuinlaan 50 / Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50 boîte 135 • 1000 Bruxelles
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of SOCIEUX+ implementing partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.