Acciones en Gabón

  • Strengthen the capacity of the PNPE to deliver services to job seekers (especially vulnerable populations), and increase its capacity to develop employment opportunities with companies

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Center for the Promotion of Employment
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development), Institutional capacity building
    The Pôle National de Promotion de l'Emploi (PNPE) in Gabon aimed to enhance its services for job seekers and create youth contracts with employers. SOCIEUX+ mobilized experts from France and Sweden to support this goal. The action focused on defining a core service offer and strengthening the individual capacities of employment counsellors. The new service offer is designed for uniform deployment across the country. The experts also helped in rethinking the internal organization, uniformizing practices, and identifying necessary IT system improvements to support the new service offer. The action has laid a strong foundation for improving employment services in Gabon, aligning with national development strategies and international best practices.
  • Support in the implementation of the policy of health and social action of the CPPF for insured people

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents (CPPF)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    The Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des Agents de l'Etat (CPPF) of Gabon is a long-standing SOCIEUX+ partner. In this circumstance, CPPF wished to explore suitable options for extending social assistance coverage, in particular with regards to health and social action policies for government employees in vulnerable situations. Experts from Finland and France, plus a former SOCIEUX+ partner from Ivory Coast, have showcased EU and international models of health and social action policies for state agents, then co-drafted a strategic and operational guidance note that details the set-up of the institutional and organizational arrangements needed to deploy such a social assistance scheme.
  • Development of the consolidated risk mapping

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Action targeted organizational and individual capacities in the area of internal risks management. Peers from Germany and France first analyzed the mechanisms and procedures for analyzing and managing insurance-related risks pertaining to various schemes run by the CPPF. They further deployed training sessions to the benefit of CPPF’s relevant staff on insurance-related risk mapping and management.
  • Professional risks in the public sector

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents [Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des Agents de l'Etat] (CPPF)
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents (CPPF) of Gabon shared with SOCIEUX+ its intention to expand the package of benefits available to its right-holders, namely State agents, by including insurance coverage for professional accidents and diseases State agents may run into in the deployment of the statutory functions. In that perspective, mobilized public experts from France and Luxembourg have first established an inventory of the existing system of coverage of risks linked to occupational diseases and accidents at work of Gabonese public officials, then drafted normative texts that can duly amend the scope of the system of benefits provided by CPPF, for extending coverage to occupational safety and health risks.
  • Audit of the existing sectors and job descriptions at the CPPF

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents [Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des Agents de l'Etat] (CPPF)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Pension and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents (CPPF) of Gabon requested SOCIEUX+ support on organizational matters. In particular, CPPF wished to review and eventually improve its actual human resources management system. In the course of two activities, French experts have accompanied the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of HR management at CPPF and put forward proposals and recommendations for improvement, mainly concerning the recruitment process, the (re)formulation job descriptions and the reorganization of functional and hierarchical responsibilities and workflows.
  • Social Insurance: assistance in the development of the State agents pension system

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Pensions and Family Benefits Fund of State Agents [Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des Agents de l'Etat]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    This action results from 5 distinct requests by the Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des Agents de l'Etat (CPPF). The action's technical products - an assessment report on the organizational strategy of CPPF; recommendations on the development of social marketing and communication policy; recommendations for a revised IT architecture; a roadmap in view of the development of a new insurance branch, namely a complementary pension scheme – were all intended to contribute to the strengthening of the organizational capacities of the young CPPF. Teams of experts with different profiles and country origin (France, Morocco, the Netherlands) have exchanged with the Partner’s teams in the course of four activities.
  • Management of funding proposals for income-generating activity grants

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Fund for Social Assistance [Fonds Nationale d'Aide Sociale (FNAS)]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    French experts accompanied by regional experts from Cameroon and Madagascar assessed the Income-generating Activities (AGRs) programme of the Fonds Nationale d'Aide Sociale (FNAS) of Gabon, as well as the capacity building needs of its staff. Strategic and technical support was provided to the elaboration of the FNAS’ plan of action for 2021, followed by a strategic orientation to the definition of corporate long-term objectives. The third activity focused on the formulation of a Logical Framework mirroring the three axes of the strategic orientation, namely: Governance, strategic approach and framework of actions; Financial capacity and autonomy; Development of operational modalities and FNAS procedures for AGRs. A final training clarified ways for FNAS staff to play a role in implementing the objectives and expected results of the new Logical Framework.
  • Information and communication technology tools development

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Employment Office [Office national de l'emploi]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    The request of the Gabonese National Center for the Promotion of Employment (ONE) was meant to mobilize peer support in view of the validation and deployment of a new digital tool designed to improve the labour intermediation services provided to Gabonese users. Only a single activity was implemented, bringing French experts to Gabon to conduct an audit of the information system and the web tools in place at ONE.