• Capacity building for the general directorate of entrepreneurship promotion

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises, and Employment Promotion
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions)
    The action aimed at supporting the Directorate for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Employment (DPEE) of Benin and other agencies under supervision of the Ministry of Labour in improving its performance, managerial capacity and ability to deliver services in the field of entrepreneurship and employment promotion. French peer experts focused on analyzing specific needs and gaps and identified four axes for trainings, to be implemented through the following activities. Trainings targeted both the managerial and organizational capacities of decision-makers and technical agents within the Ministry, and capacity development at the 'operational' level of the various key actors in the promotion of entrepreneurship and employment services.
  • Enhancing capacity for public employment services activities: outreach to employers, speed dating, job fairs and supervision of private employment agencies

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour
    Type of Assistance
    The Ministry of Labour of Suriname requested SOCIEUX+ support to enhance the capacity of the national Public employment Service to serve employers through better recruitment and labour market intermediation services. Experts from Belgium, France, and the Netherlands applied a progressive approach that involved local stakeholders into a constructive dialogue that allowed to assess the current state of art of PES’ services to employers and envisage corrective measures that could bring improvements, based on a shared knowledge and drawing inspiration from practical measures in place the experts’ own countries.
  • Strengthening employment opportunities for people living with disabilities

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Union of people with disabilities
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    The Organization of persons with disabilities “Ravenstvo” (Equality) is committed to the improvement of the situation of persons with disabilities in Kyrgyz Republic, their autonomy and equal participation in all spheres including labour market. Supported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Ravenstvo worked together with the experts from Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Portugal mobilised by SOCIEUX+ to develop a project of a university disability-friendly career center for students of secondary and higher education. A study visit to Finland provided Kyrgyz partners from the ministry, civil society and universities with practical understanding of how education and labour market integration works in the EU.
  • Definition of a national social security policy

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Employment and Social Protection [Ministère de l?Emploi et de la Protection Sociale] (MEPS)
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The partner institution (MEPS) has now available a roadmap for developing a consistent and modern social security strategy. This relates to three main dimensions of social security reforms that were undertaken by experts from France in the course of three distinct activities: strengthening the governance of the social security system; including in the system’s coverage new populations to be entitled with social security benefits, including new users with peculiar socio-economic characteristics; strengthening of skills available among staffs of social security institutions and organizations.
  • Support for the set up of universal health insurance

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Institut National d’Assurance Maladie (INAM)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional Strengthening
    Experts mobilized from France and Lebanon delivered an analysis of Togo’s Institut National d’Assurance Maladie (INAM)’s institutional organization and capacities. The assessment focused on the challenges faced by INAM in view of the extension of health coverage, clarified the institutional responsibilities, while identifying issues requiring further technical assistance to INAM, such as the preparation of a strategic plan, the enhancement of internal capacities in the field of “risk management,” and the development of a management information system. The first two topics were then addressed by experts through peer-to-peer exchanges with the relevant INAM’s executives and staff, presenting models and good practices applicable to INAM’s context and needs.