Açôes em Senegal

  • Implementation of the Employability Enhancement Project for the development of Soft Skills

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Agency for the Promotion of Youth Employment
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    Mauritania’s Agence National pour la Promotion de l'emploi des Jeunes aimed, through this Action, to introduce soft-skills considerations into its strategies and tools for promoting youth employment. In the Partner’s look, a fair integration of soft-skills into employment portion strategies is indeed key to extend employability to persons that might not have formal strong education or professional background. SOCIEUX+ response has been incremental, starting from building a consensual definition of soft-skills among relevant employment stakeholders; on this agreed basis, a toolkit for employment counsellors to enhance job-seekers’ employability based on the development, or the valorization, of (existing) soft-skills. Along French experts, Belgium’s FOREM provided peers’ support, including through remote e-learning of employment promotion agents.