Actions in Ageing Population

  • Survey on pension adequacy and spending of the single elderlies

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Training, Assessment and Research Institute for Labor and Social Protection (TARILSP)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational capacity building
    The Training, Assessment and Research Institute for Labor and Social Protection of Mongolia works on methodological improvements in data collection on social protection matters, which reverberate on the quality and relevancy of data analysis and, therefore, policy advise. Experts from Belgium, Finland, Portugal, and Slovakia mobilized by SOCIEUX+ have collaborated with the partner in reengineering data-collection methods (sampling and questionnaires) and provided examples of modern tools and methods for data analysis. The partner has engaged into the elaboration of policy advise, thus building the ground for the development of knowledge-based policy making in the area of social policy.