Actions in Access to basic services

  • Developing specialized and urgent foster care measures

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Institute for Social and Child Welfare [Zavod za socijalnu i dječju zaštitu]
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The social and child welfare and protection system implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of Montenegro is oriented towards the development of social and child protection services to prevent the separation of children from their biological families, guarantee alternative forms of care and achieve reintegration, wherever possible by its international commitments. Ending institutionalisation has been a priority for Europe and is also one of the conditions for accession to the European Union. Experts from Hungary, Croatia, Sweden, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands mobilised by SOCIEUX+ supported the Institute for Child and Social Welfare in the development of a Foster Care Action Plan and the design of a curriculum for the Institute's social workers on foster care competencies.
  • Support on the development of individual foster care plans

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Health, Work and Social Policy
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
  • Development of counselling standards and services for children and youth at risk

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisation/business strategy & planning
    The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy requested development of counselling standards and services for children and youth at risk implemented in the institution of 25.maj in Skopje. The peer-to-peer technical assistance represented by Croatian, French and Czech expertise allowed to develop a methodology and standards for new services. These standards create an enabling environment for empowerment to the vulnerable youth, children and families at risk and will serve as a pilot project in the country with the possibility for multiplication.
  • Improving the linkage between cash benefits and social services and the specific needs of persons with disabilities (PwDs)

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP)
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy sought to enhance the system that links cash benefits and social services to the individual needs of persons with disabilities (PwD). The initiative focused on crafting a personalized approach to entitlements, ensuring that the benefits and services, including income replacements and long-term care benefits, are appropriately aligned with the needs of PwDs. Experts from Austria, Germany, Romania, and Slovenia provided relevant EU countries’ examples of tools and scales for individual needs assessment and linkage, while developing recommendations for the reinforcement of the legal framework existing in North Macedonia.
  • Methodology for processing “Medium-term development program for people with disabilities and their families (2023-2025)”

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    General authority for development of persons with disabilities
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development, Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The Action has mainly resulted in information sharing and methodological support. The General Authority for development of persons with disabilities intended to develop a strategic approach for serving persons with disabilities at its best. To this goal, SOCIEUX+ mobilized an extraordinary, diversified expertise from Finland, France, Italy, Portugal, Romania, and Sweden, for the very purpose of exposing the Partner to a varied set of models and practices. Individual capacity building of Partner’s staff has been part of this strategy. The last step of the cooperation has been to set up a full-fledged methodology on how to develop a medium-term action plan for persons with disabilities and their families, inclusive of potential actions and services inspired by EU best practices fostering social inclusion and independent living.
  • Improving and structuring social services in Uzbekistan

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Agency for the Development of Medical and Social Services of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
  • Set-up of a foster care system for minors without parental support and protection

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Commissioner for Children's Rights
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional capacity building
    In Kazakhstan, the Commissioner for Children’s is engaged into deinstitutionalization reform as a lead of a consortium of NGOs, childcare institutions, and state administration. Professional foster families are considered an alternative to institutional placement for children without parental care. Through the peer-to-peer cooperation with the experts from Croatia and the Czech Republic, a set of methodological guidelines was developed with recommendations for different stages of working with foster families, from identification and selection to continuous support and evaluation. The outputs of the action also include the training curricula for prospective foster parents elaborated on the basis of EU countries best practices and good examples from Kazakhstan organizations. Finally, the action was an occasion for the partners to discover the practical set up of alternative care and services provision for vulnerable children during a study visit to Czech Republic (Prague, Pardubice).
  • Capacity building on social protection for persons with disability

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    National Social Protection Council
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The National Social Protection Council (NSPC) of Cambodia has the mandate to develop, supervise and regulate the social protection system and to ensure harmonization of the different strategies, policies and other social protection activities, including for the people with disabilities. To the three activities, deployed at distance, contributed experts from France, Portugal, Spain, Greece and Finland, who first presented international and EU best practices and cases with regards to social protection coverage of people with disabilities. A mapping of the existing policies, measures, initiatives, both from national institutions and development partners was then co-developed, with a view to identifying possible coverage gaps or inconsistencies. The final activity coached NSPC’s staff on building a methodology for developing an action plan for disability-inclusive social protection.
  • Support to the implementation of allowances to disabled people

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSAVY)
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions)
    Experts from France and the United Kingdom worked together with staff of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSAVY) in view to elaborate an Orientation Report providing recommendations for implementing the relevant country’s regulations governing the Community-based Pension Support Scheme in favor of poor persons with disabilities and their households. The report provides analysis and recommendations with regards to three main areas: Policy, implementation and institutional development; Legislation; Disability assessment mechanisms.
  • Supporting vocational rehabilitation of persons living with disabilities

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Familiy
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family (MLSPF) is the national authority having overall responsibility for the development, promotion and implementation of social protection for people with disabilities. MLSPF plays a directing role in implementing the Social Inclusion Strategy for Persons with Disabilities (2010-2013) approved by law in 2010. Among one of the first steps taken by the Ministry for the implementation of the Strategy was the plan for the creation of a small department in charge of services for vocational rehabilitation of persons with severe disabilities within the Republican Experimental Prosthetic, Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation Centre (CREPOR). Knowledge from the provision of such services in the EU and focusing on the practical organisation and implementation of these by the CREPOR. A study visit to in Ireland was organised for senior staff of various Moldovan institutions in charge of rehabilitation services. Within a second activity, a general training needs assessment of the newly created vocational rehabilitation department was conducted with the support of a EU peers. This was the occasion to identify the needs and challenges in the provision of such services and the specific training needs of the CREPOR.
  • Support for the formulation of a disability policy for the region of Cundinamarca, Colombia

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Provincial Government of Cundinamarca - Health Secretariat [Secretaría de Salud, Departamento de Cundinamarca]
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The Secretariat of Health of the Department of the Cundinamarca region is responsible for implementation of the National Public Policy for Disability and Social Inclusion at the regional level. Colombia published a National Public Policy on Disability and Social Inclusion in 2013. The Department’s Government intention was to develop a regional policy on the lines of the national policy. The Department’s Secretariat of Health had already put forward a number of activities as starting points for this development, including the identification of difficulties affecting people living with disabilities among the 116 municipal areas, and) consultations involving all sectors of society. Within five activities implemented in less than one year, the Public Policy for Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities if Cundinamarca was developed, adopted and publicly presented as the result of a process led by the regional Government with the support of mobilised experts. It is organised around five axes which enable the inclusion, equality and legal guarantees of people living with disabilities to be reinforced, providing opportunities for participation, accessibility and capacity development through the recognition of diversity.