Actions in Employment Policy
The National Employment System of Costa Rica as a tool for competitiveness and productivity, generation of human capital, social inclusion and employment promotion
- Start activities
- 13/05/2024
- End activities
- 31/05/2024
- Partner Institution
- Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS)
- Type of Assistance
- International events (awareness raising)
- Code
- 2024-05
- Description
- This technical cooperation, developed with the Costa Rican Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MTSS), saw experts from France and Germany contribute their expertise and best practices in areas related to the labour market, public employment services, vocational training and other related topics. This cooperation took place within the framework of the International Forum on Public Employment Services and the National Employment System of Costa Rica on 23-24 May 2024.
Development of Strategic Plan for the Employment Service Agency of the Republic of North Macedonia
- Start activities
- 17-07-2023
- End activities
- 09-10-2023
- Partner Institution
- Employment Service Agency
- Type of Assistance
- Organisation/business strategy & planning
- Code
- 2023-22
- Description
- National Employment Service of North Macedonia requested SOCIEUX + support to gain more knowledge on how to effectively implement formalised strategic planning process and elaborate a three-year strategic plan of the institution. Strategic plan was a legal requirement in accordance to the Law on Budgets and it should have been submitted to the Ministry of Finance in several months. Senior expertise was mobilized from Swedish, Polish, and French institutions. Partner institution along with the experts developed strategic plan and officially started its implementation.
Training of Trainers for employment counsellors on the development of soft skills for job seekers [Formation des Formateurs, pour former les Conseillers emploi …]
- Start activities
- 05/04/2021
- End activities
- 15/05/2022
- Partner Institution
- National Agency for the Promotion of Employment [Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi] (ANPE)
- Type of Assistance
- Human resources management
- Code
- 2020-27
- Description
- Experts from Belgium and France conducted a remote assessment of the capacities, gaps and needs of the ANPE Togo, with particular reference to support services available to young entrepreneurs and jobseekers for reinforce their employability through the development of soft skills. Based on the assessment, experts delivered a training of trainers to selected ANPE’s staff.
Strengthening the capacity of the Employment Administration and its public services [Renforcement des capacités de l’administration de l’Emploi et de son service public]
- Start activities
- 15/03/2021
- End activities
- 06/11/2022
- Partner Institution
- Ministry of Employment, Youth and Sports [Ministère de l’Emploi, de la Jeunesse et des Sports]
- Type of Assistance
- Organisational management (structures & functions)
- Code
- 2020-26
- Description
- The Directorate General for Employment of the Ministry of Employment, Youth and Sports of Mauritania requested SOCIEUX+ to formulate an organization audit and address the most needed gaps in terms of individual capacities. Following the assessment, a cycle of trainings has primarily targeted management strategies and human resources development. Among the topics covered by the training sessions were managers’ compliance with the organizational strategy, change management and female leadership.
Promotion of employment among vulnerable groups (Promotion de l’emploi des couches vulnérables)
- Start activities
- 29/03/2019
- End activities
- 06/12/2019
- Partner Institution
- Ministry of Employment and Social Protection [Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Protection Sociale] (MEPS)
- Type of Assistance
- Organisational capacity building
- Code
- 2018-22
- Description
- SOCIEUX+ has responded to the request of the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection of Ivory Coast, in view of improving labour insertion of persons with disabilities. Mobilized experts from Belgium, France and Spain have first assessed the current strategies and tools available to the partner to address the target group’s difficulties to access stable and dignified employment. They have then deployed capacity building activities involving key partner’s staff and associated structures; experts have mostly presented good practices from European and African countries (Morocco), as a way to enlarging the set of tools that can be deployed to enhance employability of persons with disabilities.
Capacity development for Stragtegic on Employment [Diagnostico, capacitación, diseño e implementación de estrategias relacionadas con temas de empleabilidad
- Start activities
- 08/12/2018
- End activities
- 13/08/2018
- Partner Institution
- Local Government - Valle de Aburra Metropol, Antioquia [Area Metropolitana del Valle de Aburra
- Type of Assistance
- Capacity building
- Code
- 2018-12
- Description
- The local government of the Area Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá in Colombia wished to reduce skills mismatch and bottlenecks in the labour market at regional level through efficient labour intermediation. Experts from France and Spain mobilised by SOCIEUX+ conducted, together with the partners, an assessment of the services provided to job seekers by the relevant regional entities. They then shared suggestions based on European models during a workshop that brought together local authorities and labor-market stakeholders.
Assessment of local employment policy in Girardota Municipality [Asesoría Profesional en la realización de la política pública de empleo del Municipio de Girardota]
- Start activities
- 18-06-2019
- End activities
- 26-07-2019
- Partner Institution
- Municipality of Girardota - Public Employment Services [Agencia Pública de Gestión y Colocación de Empleo]
- Type of Assistance
- Legislative & regulatory framework development
- Code
- 2017-33
- Description
- SOCIEUX+ partnered with a local authority (the Municipality of Girardota) to provide policy advice for the promotion of decent work opportunities in the local labour market. Spanish experts helped the partner to identify the challenges and bottlenecks faced by the municipal Public Employment Service in promoting decent work. As a result, the municipality of Girardota elaborated and adopted a municipal policy for the promotion of decent work, articulated on a few key areas: enhancing employability through VET, fostering entrepreneurship, socio-labour support to vulnerable groups. In addition, indicators for monitoring and evaluation of the policy were jointly developed.
Capacity building for better employment services, strategy and planning for youth employment
- Start activities
- Sep-18
- End activities
- 24/01/2020
- Partner Institution
- Ministry of Labour, Public Administration and Social Affairs (MTFPAS)
- Type of Assistance
- Code
- 2017-34
- Description
- The Agence Nationale pour l'emploi (ANPE) of Benin required SOCIEUX+ technical support to set up a ‘training and skills’ development plan to empower its intermediation services in 12 local agencies. The first mission was dedicated to a systemic and organizational diagnosis of the ANPE. The second activity was oriented to the definition and elaboration of a training plan for employment counsellors dealing with jobseekers, companies, and the self-employed, and for the heads of local agencies. The third activity focused on the services delivered by counsellors to jobseekers, namely, how to conduct a counselling interview). Finally, experts delivered a remote training workshop intended to give counsellors the right tools to strengthen their relationships with private firms and to meet employers' recruitment needs. All experts mobilized came from public entities, notably public employment services, of Belgium and France.
Information and communication technology tools development
- Start activities
- Jul-18
- End activities
- 28/02/2019
- Partner Institution
- National Employment Office [Office national de l'emploi]
- Type of Assistance
- Institutional Strengthening
- Code
- 2017-31
- Description
- The request of the Gabonese National Center for the Promotion of Employment (ONE) was meant to mobilize peer support in view of the validation and deployment of a new digital tool designed to improve the labour intermediation services provided to Gabonese users. Only a single activity was implemented, bringing French experts to Gabon to conduct an audit of the information system and the web tools in place at ONE.
Design and implementation of local employment policy
- Start activities
- 16-04-2018
- End activities
- 06-07-2019
- Partner Institution
- Municipality of La Estrella - Public Employment Services [Agencia Pública de Gestión y Colocación de Empleo]
- Type of Assistance
- Institutional Strengthening
- Code
- 2017-23
- Description
- The Public Employment Service of the Municipality of La Estrella faced the challenge of narrowing the gap between labour market demand and labor supply. Experts from France and Spain first helped to identify key challenges faced by the employment intermediation services in the Aburrá valley, while as second step a systemic and organizational analysis of the labor intermediation services provided by each of the 10 municipal public employment agencies was elaborated. Following the assessment results, a training program was formulated and deployed for local employment agents. Experts also contributed to the construction of the strategic lines and of an action plan and a communication plan of the local Public Employment Services.
Strengthening innovation, entrepreneurship and formation of informal sector vendors
- Start activities
- 04/02/2018
- End activities
- 12/07/2018
- Partner Institution
- Institute for Social Economy [Instituto para la Economia Social]
- Type of Assistance
- Institutional Strengthening
- Code
- 2017-16
- Description
- The Instituto para la Economia Social (IPES) of Bogotá provides care and attention to informal street vendors. This action served the purpose of setting up tools for the design, the management and the follow-up of policies related to training, work and employment of informal street vendors. French experts first assessed IPES’ current programme in favor of street vendors, including orientation counselling, vocational training, training on merchandising. Recurrent problems were identified, and assessment results presented and discussed with the partner and its teams. A set of preliminaries recommendations was formulated. Specific attention was given to evaluate the actions aimed at promoting entrepreneurship among street vendors.
Implementation strategies for teleworking
- Start activities
- 01/12/2018
- End activities
- 15/03/2019
- Partner Institution
- Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion [Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo]
- Type of Assistance
- Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
- Code
- 2017-11
- Description
- This action is part of a series of actions in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion (MTPE) of Peru, in the area of labour and employment. In this circumstance, the MTPE aimed to foster the implementation of the teleworking modality and to increase the understanding of private companies and public entities about this modality. Different issues related to employment and working conditions for employees involved in teleworking were discussed as well as the views of the social partners and European government policies on this form of work. The current national legislation on this labor modality has been examined jointly with national experts from the Netherlands and Spain. Possible initiatives to support the implementation of the telework promotion plans have been discussed.
Formulation of a national strategy for the promotion of employment to empower women in Peru
- Start activities
- 19/03/2018
- End activities
- 23/03/2018
- Partner Institution
- Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion [Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo]
- Type of Assistance
- Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
- Code
- 2017-10
- Description
- This action is part of a series of actions in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion (MTPE) of Peru, in the area of labour and employment. In this circumstance, the MTPE aimed to set-up multi-sectoral public policies aimed to boost women’s employment. Experts from France and Spain presented key concepts on gender equality, including international declarations, resolutions and commitments for women’s rights, and looked into the legal national framework and policies. They presented good practices of EU member states, and worked out a basic toolkit that help to mainstream gender issues in employment policies and programs.
Reform of employment services and programs for the establishment of a one-stop-shop for employment promotion
- Start activities
- Sep-17
- End activities
- Ene-18
- Partner Institution
- Ministry of Labour, Public Administration and Social Affairs [Ministère du Travail, de la Fonction Publique et des Affaires Sociales]
- Type of Assistance
- Institutional Strengthening
- Code
- 2017-01
- Description
- The Ministry of Labour, Public Administration and Social Affairs of Benin wanted to address, with the support of SOCIEUX-mobilized public experts, the challenge of successfully promoting decent employment opportunities among the youth. The French experts mainly provided an assessment of the current policy framework for youth employment promotion, as well as specific recommendations, mostly aimed to operate a reorganization of the Fonds National d’Action Sociale (FNAS) and strengthen the capacity of its staff. FNAS finally adopted the co-constructed strategy and its staff became more familiar with monitoring and evaluation tools applied to initiatives aiming at youth’s employment promotion.