Actions in Enterprises

  • Capacity building for the general directorate of entrepreneurship promotion

    Start activities
    End activities
    The action aimed at supporting the Directorate for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Employment (DPEE) of Benin and other agencies under supervision of the Ministry of Labour in improving its performance, managerial capacity and ability to deliver services in the field of entrepreneurship and employment promotion. French peer experts focused on analyzing specific needs and gaps and identified four axes for trainings, to be implemented through the following activities. Trainings targeted both the managerial and organizational capacities of decision-makers and technical agents within the Ministry, and capacity development at the 'operational' level of the various key actors in the promotion of entrepreneurship and employment services.
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises, and Employment Promotion
    Type of Assistance
    Organisational management (structures & functions)