Actions in Mother and Child Healthcare (MCH)

  • National Forum on Maternal and Child Health: Lessons learned from PIMI II (Programa Integrado de Redução da Morte Materna e Infantil) and perspectives

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Public Health [Ministério de Saúde Pública] (MINSAP)
    Type of Assistance
    Awareness raising (roundtables, seminars, workshops, etc)
    The request concerned a single activity for SOCIEUX+ to participate in a national conference on child and maternal health, organized by the Ministry of Public Health in collaboration with the EU-funded PIMI II’s programme. Due to the COVID-related travel restrictions, SOCIEUX+ experts from Portugal remotely participated to the national conference showcasing EU experiences relating to social protection financing and access to health, especially in the field of child and maternal health.