Actions in Non-Standard Forms Of Employment

  • Development of proposals for normative regulation of the activities of non-standard employment (digital platform) workers

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    JSC "Center for the Development of Human Resources"
    Type of Assistance
    Legislative & regulatory framework development
    The Workforce Development Center is a think tank related to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Kazakhstan. Its role is to provide analytical expertise and information support to the government on labour market related issues. With gig-economy becoming a wider phenomenon in Kazakhstan, the Center was engaged in the preparation of regulatory framework related to digital platform workers. With expertise from Hungary, Lithuania and Portugal mobilized for this cooperation, the action contributed to better understanding of the problematics by the Center’s staff by sharing knowledge of approaches already used in EU countries and supranational European recommendations. This was followed by an assessment of the existing legal framework in Kazakhstan and proposals and guidelines for a reform.
  • Implementation strategies for teleworking

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion [Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo]
    Type of Assistance
    Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
    This action is part of a series of actions in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion (MTPE) of Peru, in the area of labour and employment. In this circumstance, the MTPE aimed to foster the implementation of the teleworking modality and to increase the understanding of private companies and public entities about this modality. Different issues related to employment and working conditions for employees involved in teleworking were discussed as well as the views of the social partners and European government policies on this form of work. The current national legislation on this labor modality has been examined jointly with national experts from the Netherlands and Spain. Possible initiatives to support the implementation of the telework promotion plans have been discussed.