Actions in Rehabilitation

  • Cost-benefit analysis of options for the provision of rehabilitation services

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Workers Compensation Fund (WCF)
    Type of Assistance
    Sectoral planning & budgeting
    In order to expand its offer of services for victims of accidents at work and occupational diseases, the Workers Compensation Fund of Tanzania (WCF) together with the experts from France, Italy and the Netherlands mobilized by SOCIEUX+ worked on identification of the best option of the rehabilitation services provision. As a result of the action, a cost-benefit analysis of different options was conducted, providing the necessary elements to finalize the WCF’s rehabilitation strategy.
  • Technical support on rehabilitation services and capacity building

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Workers Compensation Fund (WCF)
    Type of Assistance
    Policy development
    The Workers Compensation Fund (WCF) of Tanzania asked SOCIEUX+ to help looking into its own rehabilitation strategy, in the perspective of addressing gaps and plan improvements thanks to inspirational exchanges with EU peer experts. Experts from Germany (the German Association of Accident Insurance – DGUV) and Lithuania first overviewed the existing WCF’s rehabilitation strategies, then provided technical advice for its improvement; they particularly stressed the importance to conceive rehabilitation work in relation to the three distinct dimensions physical, social, and vocational rehabilitation, all important for allowing injured works to go back to active professional life.
  • Supporting vocational rehabilitation of persons living with disabilities

    Start activities
    End activities
    Partner Institution
    Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Familiy
    Type of Assistance
    Individual capacity building (human resources development)
    The Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family (MLSPF) is the national authority having overall responsibility for the development, promotion and implementation of social protection for people with disabilities. MLSPF plays a directing role in implementing the Social Inclusion Strategy for Persons with Disabilities (2010-2013) approved by law in 2010. Among one of the first steps taken by the Ministry for the implementation of the Strategy was the plan for the creation of a small department in charge of services for vocational rehabilitation of persons with severe disabilities within the Republican Experimental Prosthetic, Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation Centre (CREPOR). Knowledge from the provision of such services in the EU and focusing on the practical organisation and implementation of these by the CREPOR. A study visit to in Ireland was organised for senior staff of various Moldovan institutions in charge of rehabilitation services. Within a second activity, a general training needs assessment of the newly created vocational rehabilitation department was conducted with the support of a EU peers. This was the occasion to identify the needs and challenges in the provision of such services and the specific training needs of the CREPOR.