Actions in Social Security Statistics
Establishment of a Unified Registry for Social Protection (URSR) in Lebanon: Supporting MoSA to take ownership of the project and validated the USR target system model
- Start activities
- 18/11/2023
- End activities
- 01/03/2025
- Partner Institution
- Ministry of Social Affairs
- Type of Assistance
- Organisational management (structures & functions); Information management systems
- Code
- 2023-44
- Description
- SOCIEUX's intended contribution through this action was to support the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) in building the internal capacity needed to strategically lead the EU-funded project for the establishment of a Unified Registry for Social Protection (URSP Project) in Lebanon. To this end, experts from France and Spain mobilised by SOCIEUX+ accompanied the creation of the Programme Management Unit (PMU) in defining its mandate, its role in the URSP Project and the necessary material and human components of the PMU.
Guidelines for tackling cases of school bullying or violence for the Procuradurías for the protection of children and adolescents
- Start activities
- 01/10/2020
- End activities
- 30/12/2020
- Partner Institution
- National System for Integral Family Development
- Type of Assistance
- Policy development
- Code
- 2019-34
- Description
- Only one activity was carried out following a request from Mexico’s National System for Integral Family Development to elaborate and transfer to case managers and prosecutors a set of guidelines for tackling bullying and violence in schools. Experts from Portugal and Spain brought examples from their own systems to the attention of partners and produced a first draft of the guidelines, according to a psycho-social approach incorporated as a basic targeted social service as part of the school system.
Strategic goals according to the Multidimensional Poverty Index in Panama
- Start activities
- Feb-18
- End activities
- 31/05/2019
- Partner Institution
- Ministry of Social Development [Ministerio de Desarrollo Social]
- Type of Assistance
- Institutional (Regulatory & Policy)
- Code
- 2017-32
- Description
- The action has supported the Ministry of Social Development of Panama to define the goals of poverty-reduction strategies in connection with the Multidimensional Poverty Index. Together with expert teams from France, Italy, Portugal, and Colombia, the Partner increase its staff’s understanding of multidimensional measurements and their relationship with the design of public policies. Furthermore, the methodology of microsimulation of multidimensional poverty goals was presented and the steps for its implementation in the STATA software were identified. Finally, a systematic review of the existing policy instruments for reducing poverty has been conducted, which helped to determine how they might be adapted in view to tackle multi-dimensional poverty. Particular attention was dedicated to the “Plan Cero Pobreza” and the development of multidimensional poverty-related indicators.
Information and communication technology tools development
- Start activities
- Jul-18
- End activities
- 28/02/2019
- Partner Institution
- National Employment Office [Office national de l'emploi]
- Type of Assistance
- Institutional Strengthening
- Code
- 2017-31
- Description
- The request of the Gabonese National Center for the Promotion of Employment (ONE) was meant to mobilize peer support in view of the validation and deployment of a new digital tool designed to improve the labour intermediation services provided to Gabonese users. Only a single activity was implemented, bringing French experts to Gabon to conduct an audit of the information system and the web tools in place at ONE.
Enlarging the scope of the social policy analysis conducted by the Institute of Labour Sciences and Social Affairs (ILSSA)
- Start activities
- Feb-18
- End activities
- 12/07/2018
- Partner Institution
- Institute for Labour Science and Social Affairs [Viện Khoa Học Lao Động Và Xã Hội]
- Type of Assistance
- Institutional Strengthening
- Code
- 2017-28
- Description
- The Institute for Labour Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA) of Vietnam has expressed to SOCIEUX+ a particular interest in knowing more about multi-dimensional poverty-measurement approach. The ultimate goal was to increase ILSSA’s role in the support to policy-making. The first activity was conceived as a training involving ILSSA’s researchers in view of increasing knowledge and analytical capacities involved in the analysis of the economic and social context in terms of multi-dimensional poverty. The second activity has allowed to look into the organizational capacity of ILSSA as a public research institution. Experts from Ireland, Italy, and France have participated to the peer-to peer exchanges with ILSSA’s staff.